/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - Types


/proc/seedRuinsLoads the ruins for a given z level. @param z_levels The z levels to load ruins on. @param budget The budget to spend on ruins. Compare against the cost of the ruins in /datum/map_template/ruin. @param whitelist A list of areas to allow ruins to be placed in. @param potentialRuins A list of ruins to choose from. @param clear_below Whether to clear the area below the ruin. Used for multiz ruins. @param mineral_budget The budget to spend on ruins that spawn ore vents. Map templates with vents have that defined by mineral_cost. @param mineral_budget_update What type of ore distribution should spawn from ruins picked by this cave generator? This list is copied from ores_spawned.dm into SSore_generation.ore_vent_minerals. @param ruin_type The type of ruins that are spawning (ZTRAIT_SPACE_RUINS, ZTRAIT_ICE_RUINS, ZTRAIT_LAVA_RUINS, etc.)