/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


BRIMDUST_LIFE_APPLY_COOLDOWNInterval between passively gaining stacks on lavaland if organ is implanted
BRIMDUST_STACKS_ON_LIFENumber of stacks to add over time
BRIMDUST_STACKS_ON_USENumber of stacks to add if you activate the item in hand
/obj/item/organ/internal/monster_core/brimdust_sacGives you three stacks of Brimdust Coating, when you get hit by anything it will make a short ranged explosion. If this happens on the station it does much less damage, and slows down the bearer. If implanted, you can shake off a cloud of brimdust to give this buff to people around you.area It will also automatically grant you one stack every 30 seconds if you are on lavaland.
/obj/effect/particle_effect/fluid/smoke/bad/brimdustSmoke which applies brimdust to you, and is also bad for your lungs
/datum/status_effect/stacking/brimdust_coatingIf you take brute damage with this buff, hurt and push everyone next to you. If you catch fire and or on the space station, detonate all remaining stacks in a way which hurts you. Washes off if you get wet.
/datum/status_effect/brimdust_concussionSlowdown applied when you are detonated on the space station
/datum/action/cooldown/monster_core_action/exhale_brimdustAction used by the brimdust sac

Define Details


Interval between passively gaining stacks on lavaland if organ is implanted


Number of stacks to add over time


Number of stacks to add if you activate the item in hand