/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


HEALTH_DANGER_ZONEHealth under which implanted gland will automatically activate
/obj/item/organ/internal/monster_core/rush_glandOn use in hand, makes you run really fast for 5 seconds and ignore injury movement decrease. On use when implanted, run for longer and ignore all negative movement. Automatically triggers if health is low (to escape).
/datum/status_effect/lobster_rushStatus effect: Makes you run really fast and ignore speed penalties for a short duration. If you run into a wall indoors you will fall over and lose the buff. If you run into someone you both fall over.
/datum/status_effect/lobster_rush/extendedYou get a longer buff if you take the time to implant it in yourself
/datum/action/cooldown/monster_core_action/adrenal_boostAction used by the rush gland

Define Details


Health under which implanted gland will automatically activate