POLY_DEFAULT | Default poly, presumably died the last shift and has no special traits. |
POLY_LONGEST_SURVIVAL | Poly has survived a number of rounds equivalent to the longest survival of his being. |
POLY_BEATING_DEATHSTREAK | Poly has survived a number of rounds equivalent to the longest deathstreak of his being. |
POLY_CONSECUTIVE_ROUND | Poly has only just survived a round, and is doing a consecutive one. |
POLY_POSSESS_FILTER | haunt filter we apply to who we possess |
POLY_POSSESS_GLOW | haunt filter color we apply to who we possess |
/mob/living/basic/parrot/poly | The classically famous compadre to the Chief Engineer, Poly. |
Define Details
Poly has survived a number of rounds equivalent to the longest deathstreak of his being.
Poly has only just survived a round, and is doing a consecutive one.
Default poly, presumably died the last shift and has no special traits.
Poly has survived a number of rounds equivalent to the longest survival of his being.
haunt filter we apply to who we possess
haunt filter color we apply to who we possess