/datum/action/cooldown/mob_cooldown/projectile_attack/magicarp_bolt | Holder ability simply for "firing a projectile with a cooldown". Probably won't do anything if assigned via VV unless you also VV in a projectile for it. |
/datum/action/cooldown/mob_cooldown/projectile_attack/magicarp_bolt/chaos | Chaos variant picks one from a list |
/datum/action/cooldown/mob_cooldown/lesser_carp_rift | Teleport a short distance and leave a short-lived portal for people to follow through |
/obj/effect/temp_visual/lesser_carp_rift | If you touch the entrance you are teleported to the exit, exit doesn't do anything |
/obj/effect/temp_visual/lesser_carp_rift/entrance | If you touch this you are taken to the exit |
/obj/effect/temp_visual/lesser_carp_rift/exit | Doesn't actually do anything, just a visual marker |
/obj/effect/temp_visual/lesser_carp_rift_dissipating | Just an animation |