/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


JELLY_REGEN_RATEThe rate at which slimes regenerate their jelly normally
JELLY_REGEN_RATE_EMPTYThe rate at which slimes regenerate their jelly when they completely run out of it and start taking damage, usually after having cannibalized all their limbs already
BLOOD_VOLUME_LOSE_NUTRITIONThe blood volume at which slimes begin to start losing nutrition -- so that IV drips can work for blood deficient slimes

Define Details


The blood volume at which slimes begin to start losing nutrition -- so that IV drips can work for blood deficient slimes


The rate at which slimes regenerate their jelly normally


The rate at which slimes regenerate their jelly when they completely run out of it and start taking damage, usually after having cannibalized all their limbs already