/obj/item/mod/module/health_analyzer | Health Analyzer - Gives the user a ranged health analyzer and their health status in the panel. |
/obj/item/mod/module/quick_carry | Quick Carry - Lets the user carry bodies quicker. |
/obj/item/mod/module/injector | Injector - Gives the suit an extendable large-capacity piercing syringe. |
/obj/item/mod/module/organizer | Organizer - Lets you shoot organs, immediately replacing them if the target has the organ manipulation surgery. |
/obj/item/mod/module/criminalcapture/patienttransport | Patrient Transport - Generates hardlight bags you can put people in. |
/obj/item/mod/module/defibrillator | Defibrillator - Gives the suit an extendable pair of shock paddles. |
/obj/item/mod/module/thread_ripper | Thread Ripper - Temporarily rips apart clothing to make it not cover the body. |
/obj/item/mod/module/surgical_processor | Surgical Processor - Lets you do advanced surgeries portably. |