/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - Types

Procedural Mapping

With Regards To RemieRichards
Coder Informative ReadmemapGenerator:

Desc: a mapGenerator is a master datum that collects and syncs all mapGeneratorModules in its modules list.

defineRegion(var/turf/Start, turf/End, replace = 0)

Example: defineRegion(locate(1,1,1),locate(5,5,5),0)

Desc: Sets the bounds of the mapGenerator's "map".

defineCircularRegion(var/turf/Start, turf/End, replace = 0)

Example: defineCircularRegion(locate(1,1,1),locate(5,5,5),0)

Desc: Sets the mapGenerator's "map" as a circle, with center in the middle of Start and End's X,Y,Z coordinates.


Example: undefineRegion()

Desc: Empties the map generator list.

checkRegion(var/turf/Start, turf/End)

Example: checkRegion(locate(1,1,1), locate(5,5,5))

Desc: Checks if a rectangle between Start's coords and End's coords is valid.

Existing Calls: mapGenerator/defineRegion(), mapGenerator/defineCircularRegion()


Example: generate()

Desc: Orders all mapGeneratorModules in the modules list to generate().


Example: generateOneTurf(locate(1,1,1))

Desc: Orders all mapGeneratorModules in the modules list to place(T) on this turf.


Example: initialiseModules()

Desc: Replaces all typepaths in the modules list with actual /datum/map_generator/Module types.

Existing Calls: mapGenerator/New()


Example: syncModules()

Desc: Sets the Mother variable on all mapGeneratorModules in the modules list to this mapGenerator.

Existing Calls: initialiseModules(),generate(),generateOneTurf()


Desc: a mapGeneratorModule has spawnableAtoms and spawnableTurfs lists which it will generate on turfs in its mother's map based on cluster variables.


Example: sync(a_mapGenerator_as_a_variable)

Desc: Sets the Mother variable to the mum argument.

Existing Calls: mapGenerator/syncModules()


Example: generate()

Desc: Calls place(T) on all turfs in its mother's map

Existing Calls: mapGenerator/generate()


Example: place(locate(1,1,1)) Desc: Run this mapGeneratorModule's effects on this turf (Spawning atoms, Changing turfs).

Existing Calls: mapGenerator/generate(), mapGenerator/generateOneTurf()


Example: checkPlace(locate(1,1,1))

Desc: Checks if the turf is valid for placing atoms.

Existing Calls: place()

Mapper Friendly Readme

Simple Workflow:

  1. Define a/some mapGeneratorModule(s) to your liking, choosing atoms and turfs to spawn
  • I chose to split Turfs and Atoms off into separate modules, but this is NOT required.
  • A mapGeneratorModule may have turfs AND atoms, so long as each is in its appropriate list
  1. Define a mapGenerator type who's modules list contains the typepath(s) of all the module(s) you wish to use
  • The order of the typepaths in the modules list is the order they will happen in, this is important for clusterCheckFlags.
  1. Take notes of the Bottom Left and Top Right turfs of your rectangular "map"'s coordinates
  • X, Y, AND Z. Yes, you can create 3D "maps" by having differing Z coordinates
  1. Create the mapGenerator type you created

  2. Call yourMapGeneratorType.defineRegion(locate(X,Y,Z), locate(X,Y,Z))

  • The above X/Y/Zs are the coordinates of the start and end turfs, the locate() simply finds the turf for the code
  1. Call yourMapGeneratorType.generate(), this will cause all the modules in the generator to build within the map bounds

Option Suggestions:

  • Have separate modules for Turfs and Atoms, this is not enforced, but it is how I have structured my nature example.
  • If your map doesn't look quite to your liking, simply jiggle with the variables on your modules and the type probabilities.
  • You can mix and map premade areas with the procedural generation, for example mapping an entire flat land but having code generate just the grass tufts.

Using the Modules list

Simply think of it like each module is a layer in a graphics editing program!

To help you do this templates such as /mapGeneratorModule/bottomLayer have been provided with appropriate default settings.

These are located near the bottom of mapGeneratorModule.dm. You would order your list left to right, top to bottom. For example: modules = list(bottomLayer,nextLayer,nextNextLayer), etc.

Variable Breakdown (For Mappers):

  • map - INTERNAL, do not touch
  • modules - A list of typepaths of mapGeneratorModules
  • mother - INTERNAL, do not touch

  • spawnableAtoms - A list of typepaths and their probability to spawn, eg: spawnableAtoms = list(/obj/structure/flora/tree/pine = 30)

  • spawnableTurfs - A list of typepaths and their probability to spawn, eg: spawnableTurfs = list(/turf/unsimulated/floor/grass = 100)

  • clusterMax - The max range to check for something being "too close" for this atom/turf to spawn, the true value is random between clusterMin and clusterMax

  • clusterMin - The min range to check for something being "too close" for this atom/turf to spawn, the true value is random between clusterMin and clusterMax

  • clusterCheckFlags - A Bitfield that controls how the cluster checks work, All based on clusterMin and clusterMax guides

  • allowAtomsOnSpace - A Boolean for if we allow atoms to spawn on space tiles

clusterCheckFlags flags:
CLUSTER_CHECK_NONE				0   //No checks are done, cluster as much as possible
CLUSTER_CHECK_DIFFERENT_TURFS			2  //Don't let turfs of DIFFERENT types cluster
CLUSTER_CHECK_DIFFERENT_ATOMS			4  //Don't let atoms of DIFFERENT types cluster
CLUSTER_CHECK_SAME_TURFS			8  //Don't let turfs of the SAME type cluster
CLUSTER_CHECK_SAME_ATOMS			16 //Don't let atoms of the SAME type cluster

CLUSTER_CHECK_SAMES				24 //Don't let any of the same type cluster
CLUSTER_CHECK_DIFFERENTS			6  //Don't let any different types cluster
CLUSTER_CHECK_ALL_TURFS				10 //Don't let ANY turfs cluster same and different types
CLUSTER_CHECK_ALL_ATOMS				20 //Don't let ANY atoms cluster same and different types

CLUSTER_CHECK_ALL				30 //Don't let anything cluster, like, at all