HDD_PANEL_CLOSED | Default master server machine state. Use a special screwdriver to get to the next state. |
HDD_PANEL_OPEN | Front master server HDD panel has been removed. Use a special crowbar to get to the next state. |
HDD_PRIED | Master server HDD has been pried loose and is held in by only cables. Use a special set of wirecutters to finish stealing the objective. |
HDD_CUT_LOOSE | Master server HDD has been cut loose. |
HDD_OVERLOADED | The ninja has blown the HDD up. |
/obj/machinery/rnd/server/master | Master R&D server. As long as this still exists and still holds the HDD for the theft objective, research points generate at normal speed. Destroy it or an antag steals the HDD? Half research speed. |
Define Details
Master server HDD has been cut loose.
The ninja has blown the HDD up.
Default master server machine state. Use a special screwdriver to get to the next state.
Front master server HDD panel has been removed. Use a special crowbar to get to the next state.
Master server HDD has been pried loose and is held in by only cables. Use a special set of wirecutters to finish stealing the objective.