/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


GET_BODYPART_COEFFICIENTFor scaling the effectiveness of certain effects to the total bodypart count
IS_FULL_BODYCheck if it's full body. These are mostly here so we can change just one place when we ever add more limbs (?)
/datum/status_effect/grouped/bodypart_effectEffects added to a carbon focused on the bodyparts itself, such as adding a photosynthesis component that
/datum/status_effect/grouped/bodypart_effect/photosynthesisThis limb regens in light! Only BODYTYPE_PLANT limbs will heal, but limbs without the flag (and with the effect) still contribute to healing of the other limbs
/datum/status_effect/grouped/bodypart_effect/nyxosynthesisThis limb heals in darkness and dies in light! Only BODYTYPE_SHADOW limbs will heal, but limbs without the flag (and with the effect) still contribute to healing of the other limbs

Define Details


For scaling the effectiveness of certain effects to the total bodypart count


Check if it's full body. These are mostly here so we can change just one place when we ever add more limbs (?)