/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - Types


/datum/action/innate/flighthud action for starting and stopping flight
/obj/item/organ/wings/functionalThe true wings that you can use to fly and shit (you cant actually shit with them)
/datum/bodypart_overlay/mutant/wings/functionalBodypart overlay of function wings, including open and close functionality!
/obj/item/organ/wings/functional/angelangel wings, which relate to humans. comes with holiness.
/obj/item/organ/wings/functional/dragondragon wings, which relate to lizards.
/obj/item/organ/wings/functional/roboticrobotic wings, which relate to androids.
/obj/item/organ/wings/functional/skeletonskeletal wings, which relate to skeletal races.
/obj/item/organ/wings/functional/moth/mothramothra wings, which relate to moths.
/obj/item/organ/wings/functional/moth/megamothmegamoth wings, which relate to moths as an alternate choice. they're both pretty cool.
/obj/item/organ/wings/functional/flyfly wings, which relate to flies.
/obj/item/organ/wings/functional/slimeslime wings, which relate to slimes.