Datum that handles
Vars | |
data | Up to date list of all achievements and their info. |
initialized | Have we done our set-up yet? |
original_cached_data | Original status of achievement. |
owner_ckey | Ckey of this achievement data's owner |
Procs | |
get_achievement_status | Getter for the status/score of an achievement |
get_changed_data | Gets list of changed rows in MassInsert format |
get_data | Updates local cache with db data for the given achievement type if it wasn't loaded yet. |
unlock | Unlocks an achievement of a specific type. achievement type is a typepath to the award, user is the mob getting the award, and value is an optional value to be used for defining a score to add to the leaderboard |
Var Details
Up to date list of all achievements and their info.
Have we done our set-up yet?
Original status of achievement.
Ckey of this achievement data's owner
Proc Details
Getter for the status/score of an achievement
Gets list of changed rows in MassInsert format
Updates local cache with db data for the given achievement type if it wasn't loaded yet.
Unlocks an achievement of a specific type. achievement type is a typepath to the award, user is the mob getting the award, and value is an optional value to be used for defining a score to add to the leaderboard