Allows a mob to assume the form of another item or mob. Warning, this will likely shit the bricks if you add this action to anything more sophisticated than a basic mob- this isn't built for anything carbon-wise.
Vars | |
blacklist_typecache | Stuff that we can not disguise as. |
Procs | |
assume_appearances | Assumes the appearance of a desired movable and applies it to our mob. Target is the movable in question. |
can_assume_form | Rapid proc to test if we can assume the form of a given atom. Returns TRUE if we can, FALSE if we can't. Done like this so we can be nice and explicit. |
determine_intent | Determines what our user meant by their action. If they clicked on themselves, we reset our appearance. Otherwise, we assume the appearance of the clicked-on item. |
reset_appearances | Resets the appearances of the mob to the default. |
Var Details
Stuff that we can not disguise as.
Proc Details
Assumes the appearance of a desired movable and applies it to our mob. Target is the movable in question.
Rapid proc to test if we can assume the form of a given atom. Returns TRUE if we can, FALSE if we can't. Done like this so we can be nice and explicit.
Determines what our user meant by their action. If they clicked on themselves, we reset our appearance. Otherwise, we assume the appearance of the clicked-on item.
Resets the appearances of the mob to the default.