This action checks some nearby maintenance animals and makes them your minions. If none are nearby, creates a new mouse.
Vars | |
glockroach_commands | Commands you can give to glockroaches |
mouse_commands | Commands you can give to your mouse army |
range | How close does something need to be for us to recruit it? |
Procs | |
convert_frog | Turns a frog into a crazy frog. This doesn't do anything interesting and should when it becomes a basic mob. |
convert_mouse | Turns a mouse into an angry mouse |
convert_roach | Turns a roach into an angry roach |
make_minion | Makes a passed mob into our minion |
riot | Attempts to, in order and ending at any successful step: |
Var Details
Commands you can give to glockroaches
Commands you can give to your mouse army
How close does something need to be for us to recruit it?
Proc Details
Turns a frog into a crazy frog. This doesn't do anything interesting and should when it becomes a basic mob.
Turns a mouse into an angry mouse
Turns a roach into an angry roach
Makes a passed mob into our minion
Attempts to, in order and ending at any successful step:
- Convert nearby mice into aggressive rats.
- Convert nearby roaches into aggressive roaches.
- Convert nearby frogs into aggressive frogs.
- Spawn a single mouse if below the mouse cap.