Rise into the air and slam down, knocking people away. No real cooldown but has escalating endlag if used in quick succession.
Vars | |
active_timer | Timer we use to track our current action |
additional_endlag | Amount of extra time to stay stunned after the end of the ability |
applied_traits | List of traits we apply while the ability is ongoing, stops us from moving around and such |
endlag_decay_per_second | How much accumulated stun time do we subtract every second? Takes a full minute to regen off a single use :( |
endlag_per_activation | Amount of time to add to endlag after each successful use of the ability |
exhaustion_multiplier | Increase the effect of our accumulated additional stun time by this much if space dragon has lost some rifts |
gust_distance | How far away can we reach people? |
minimum_endlag | Minimum amount of stun time following use of wing buffet |
windup_time | How long to animate for before we start? |
Procs | |
begin_sequence | Rise up into the air |
ground_pound | Slam into the ground |
on_life | Decay our accumulated additional tiredness |
Var Details
Timer we use to track our current action
Amount of extra time to stay stunned after the end of the ability
List of traits we apply while the ability is ongoing, stops us from moving around and such
How much accumulated stun time do we subtract every second? Takes a full minute to regen off a single use :(
Amount of time to add to endlag after each successful use of the ability
Increase the effect of our accumulated additional stun time by this much if space dragon has lost some rifts
How far away can we reach people?
Minimum amount of stun time following use of wing buffet
How long to animate for before we start?
Proc Details
Rise up into the air
Slam into the ground
Decay our accumulated additional tiredness