The spell action 
This is the base action for how many of the game's spells (and spell adjacent) abilities function. These spells function off of a cooldown-based system.
Pre-spell checks:
- can_cast_spell checks if the OWNER of the spell is able to cast the spell.
- is_valid_target checks if the TARGET THE SPELL IS BEING CAST ON is a valid target for the spell. NOTE: The CAST TARGET is often THE SAME as THE OWNER OF THE SPELL, but is not always - depending on how Pre Activate is resolved.
- try_invoke is run in can_cast_spell to check if the OWNER of the spell is able to say the current invocation.
The spell chain:
- before_cast is the last chance for being able to interrupt a spell cast. This returns a bitflag. if SPELL_CANCEL_CAST is set, the spell will not continue.
- spell_feedback is called right before cast, and handles invocation and sound effects. Overridable, if you want a special method of invocation or sound effects, or you want your spell to handle invocation / sound via special means.
- cast is where the brunt of the spell effects should be done and implemented.
- after_cast is the aftermath - final effects that follow the main cast of the spell. By now, the spell cooldown has already started
Other procs called / may be called within the chain:
- invocation handles saying any vocal (or emotive) invocations the spell may have, and can be overriden or extended. Called by spell_feedback.
- reset_spell_cooldown is a way to handle reverting a spell's cooldown and making it ready again if it fails to go off at any point. Not called anywhere by default. If you want to cancel a spell in before_cast and would like the cooldown restart, call this.
Other procs of note:
- level_spell is where the process of adding a spell level is handled. this can be extended if you wish to add unique effects on level up for wizards.
- delevel_spell is where the process of removing a spell level is handled. this can be extended if you wish to undo unique effects on level up for wizards.
- get_spell_title returns the prefix of the spell name based on its level, for use in updating the button name / spell name.
Vars | |
antimagic_flags | This determines what type of antimagic is needed to block the spell. (MAGIC_RESISTANCE, MAGIC_RESISTANCE_MIND, MAGIC_RESISTANCE_HOLY) If SPELL_REQUIRES_NO_ANTIMAGIC is set in Spell requirements, The spell cannot be cast if the caster has any of the antimagic flags set. |
cooldown_reduction_per_rank | If the spell uses the wizard spell rank system, the cooldown reduction per rank of the spell |
garbled_invocation_prob | if true, doesn't garble the invocation sometimes with backticks |
invocation | What is uttered when the user casts the spell |
invocation_self_message | What is shown in chat when the user casts the spell, only matters for INVOCATION_EMOTE |
invocation_type | What type of invocation the spell is. Can be "none", "whisper", "shout", "emote" |
school | The school of magic the spell belongs to. Checked by some holy sects to punish the caster for casting things that do not align with their sect's alignment - see in defines to learn more |
smoke_amt | The amount of smoke to create on cast. This is a range, so a value of 5 will create enough smoke to cover everything within 5 steps. |
smoke_type | The typepath of the smoke to create on cast. |
sound | The sound played on cast. |
sparks_amt | If set to a positive number, the spell will produce sparks when casted. |
spell_level | The current spell level, if taken multiple times by a wizard |
spell_max_level | The max possible spell level |
spell_requirements | Flag for certain states that the spell requires the user be in to cast. |
Procs | |
after_cast | Actions done after the main cast is finished. This is called after the cooldown's already begun. |
before_cast | Actions done before the actual cast is called. This is the last chance to cancel the spell from being cast. |
can_cast_spell | Checks if the owner of the spell can currently cast it. Does not check anything involving potential targets. |
cast | Actions done as the main effect of the spell. |
delevel_spell | Levels the spell down a single level, down to 1. |
get_caster_from_target | Used to get the cast_on atom if a self cast spell is being cast. |
get_spell_title | Gets the title of the spell based on its level. |
invocation | The invocation that accompanies the spell, called from spell_feedback() before cast(). |
is_valid_target | Check if the target we're casting on is a valid target. For self-casted spells, the target being checked (cast_on) is the caster. For click_to_activate spells, the target being checked is the clicked atom. |
level_spell | Levels the spell up a single level, reducing the cooldown. If bypass_cap is TRUE, will level the spell up past it's set cap. |
reset_spell_cooldown | Resets the cooldown of the spell, sending COMSIG_SPELL_CAST_RESET and allowing it to be used immediately (+ updating button icon accordingly) |
spell_feedback | Provides feedback after a spell cast occurs, in the form of a cast sound and/or invocation |
try_invoke | Checks if the current OWNER of the spell is in a valid state to say the spell's invocation |
Var Details
This determines what type of antimagic is needed to block the spell. (MAGIC_RESISTANCE, MAGIC_RESISTANCE_MIND, MAGIC_RESISTANCE_HOLY) If SPELL_REQUIRES_NO_ANTIMAGIC is set in Spell requirements, The spell cannot be cast if the caster has any of the antimagic flags set.
If the spell uses the wizard spell rank system, the cooldown reduction per rank of the spell
if true, doesn't garble the invocation sometimes with backticks
What is uttered when the user casts the spell
What is shown in chat when the user casts the spell, only matters for INVOCATION_EMOTE
What type of invocation the spell is. Can be "none", "whisper", "shout", "emote"
The school of magic the spell belongs to. Checked by some holy sects to punish the caster for casting things that do not align with their sect's alignment - see in defines to learn more
The amount of smoke to create on cast. This is a range, so a value of 5 will create enough smoke to cover everything within 5 steps.
The typepath of the smoke to create on cast.
The sound played on cast.
If set to a positive number, the spell will produce sparks when casted.
The current spell level, if taken multiple times by a wizard
The max possible spell level
Flag for certain states that the spell requires the user be in to cast.
Proc Details
Actions done after the main cast is finished. This is called after the cooldown's already begun.
It can be used to apply late spell effects where order matters (for example, causing smoke after a teleport occurs in cast()) or to clean up variables or references post-cast.
Actions done before the actual cast is called. This is the last chance to cancel the spell from being cast.
Can be used for target selection or to validate checks on the caster (cast_on).
Returns a bitflag.
- SPELL_CANCEL_CAST will stop the spell from being cast.
- SPELL_NO_FEEDBACK will prevent the spell from calling [proc/spell_feedback] on cast. (invocation), sounds)
- SPELL_NO_IMMEDIATE_COOLDOWN will prevent the spell from starting its cooldown between cast and before after_cast.
Checks if the owner of the spell can currently cast it. Does not check anything involving potential targets.
Actions done as the main effect of the spell.
For spells without a click intercept, [cast_on] will be the owner. For click spells, [cast_on] is whatever the owner clicked on in casting the spell.
Levels the spell down a single level, down to 1.
Used to get the cast_on atom if a self cast spell is being cast.
Allows for some atoms to be used as casting sources if a spell caster is located within.
Gets the title of the spell based on its level.
The invocation that accompanies the spell, called from spell_feedback() before cast().
Check if the target we're casting on is a valid target. For self-casted spells, the target being checked (cast_on) is the caster. For click_to_activate spells, the target being checked is the clicked atom.
Return TRUE if cast_on is valid, FALSE otherwise
Levels the spell up a single level, reducing the cooldown. If bypass_cap is TRUE, will level the spell up past it's set cap.
Resets the cooldown of the spell, sending COMSIG_SPELL_CAST_RESET and allowing it to be used immediately (+ updating button icon accordingly)
Provides feedback after a spell cast occurs, in the form of a cast sound and/or invocation
Checks if the current OWNER of the spell is in a valid state to say the spell's invocation