/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


AOE spells

A spell that iterates over atoms near the caster and casts a spell on them. Calls cast_on_thing_in_aoe on all atoms returned by get_things_to_cast_on by default.


aoe_radiusThe radius of the aoe.
max_targetsThe max amount of targets we can affect via our AOE. 0 = unlimited
shuffle_targets_listShould we shuffle the targets lift after getting them via get_things_to_cast_on?


cast_on_thing_in_aoeActually cause effects on the thing in our aoe. Override this for your spell! Not cast().
get_things_to_cast_onGets a list of atoms around [center] that are within range and going to be affected by our aoe. You should override this on a subtype basis to change what your spell affects.

Var Details


The radius of the aoe.


The max amount of targets we can affect via our AOE. 0 = unlimited


Should we shuffle the targets lift after getting them via get_things_to_cast_on?

Proc Details


Actually cause effects on the thing in our aoe. Override this for your spell! Not cast().



Gets a list of atoms around [center] that are within range and going to be affected by our aoe. You should override this on a subtype basis to change what your spell affects.

For example, if you want to only cast on atoms in view instead of range. Or, if you only want living mobs in the list.

When using range / view, it's handy to remember the byond optimization they have by casting to an atom type.

Returns a list of atoms.