Channelled spells
These spells do something after a channel time. To use this template, all that's needed is for cast() to be implemented.
Vars | |
channel_flags | Flags of the do_after |
channel_message | What message do we display when we start chanelling? |
channel_time | How long it takes to channel the spell. |
charge_overlay_icon | What icon should we use for our overlay |
charge_overlay_instance | The actual appearance / our overlay. Don't mess with this |
charge_overlay_state | What icon state should we use for our overlay |
charge_sound | What soundpath should we play when we start chanelling |
charge_sound_instance | The actual sound we generate, don't mess with this |
currently_channeling | Whether we're currently channelling / charging the spell |
Procs | |
stop_channel_effect | Interrupts the chanelling effect, removing any overlay or sound playing (for the passed mob) |
Var Details
Flags of the do_after
What message do we display when we start chanelling?
How long it takes to channel the spell.
What icon should we use for our overlay
The actual appearance / our overlay. Don't mess with this
What icon state should we use for our overlay
What soundpath should we play when we start chanelling
The actual sound we generate, don't mess with this
Whether we're currently channelling / charging the spell
Proc Details
Interrupts the chanelling effect, removing any overlay or sound playing (for the passed mob)