Slaughter demon's blood crawl Allows the blood crawler to consume people they are dragging.
Vars | |
consume_sound | The sound played when someone's consumed. |
jaunt_damage_timer | Apply damage every 20 seconds if we bloodcrawling |
resist_jaunt_damage | When demon first appears, it does not take damage while in Jaunt. He also doesn't take damage while he's eating someone. |
Procs | |
consume_victim | Consumes the [victim] from the [jaunter], fully healing them and calling [proc/on_victim_consumed] if successful.) |
damage_for_lazy_demon | Apply damage to demon when he using bloodcrawl. Every 20 SECONDS check if demon still crawling and update timer. |
on_victim_consumed | Called when a victim is successfully consumed. |
on_victim_start_consume | Called when a victim starts to be consumed. |
Var Details
The sound played when someone's consumed.
Apply damage every 20 seconds if we bloodcrawling
When demon first appears, it does not take damage while in Jaunt. He also doesn't take damage while he's eating someone.
Proc Details
Consumes the [victim] from the [jaunter], fully healing them and calling [proc/on_victim_consumed] if successful.)
Apply damage to demon when he using bloodcrawl. Every 20 SECONDS check if demon still crawling and update timer.
Called when a victim is successfully consumed.
Called when a victim starts to be consumed.