Enchants an item to deal either double damage, or +20 damage, whichever is less, and lifesteals for that amount + steals some blood. multiplication can get a little instakill-y, so capping it at + 20 damage. 10 force weapon doesn't get the cap and gains 10 damage, 20 total 20 force weapon gets the cap of 20 damage added for a total of 40 35 force weapon still gets the cap of 20 for a total of 55 instead of a whopping 70 damage Steals 50 blood if they have enough. Splattercasting has one second of cooldown worth 5 blood, so 50 seconds cooldown of blood added!
Vars | |
original_force | Original force of the item enchanted. |
Procs | |
end_enchantment | ends the enchantment, starting the cooldown (which was frozen until you attacked) |
on_dropped | signal called from dropping the enchanted item |
on_enchanted_afterattack | signal called from attacking with the enchanted item |
Var Details
Original force of the item enchanted.
Proc Details
ends the enchantment, starting the cooldown (which was frozen until you attacked)
signal called from dropping the enchanted item
signal called from attacking with the enchanted item