/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Step towards turf

Moves a short distance towards a location repeatedly until you arrive at the destination. You'd use this over travel_towards if you're travelling a long distance over a long time, because the AI controller has a maximum range.


step_distanceHow far ahead do we plot movement per action? Further means longer until we return to the decision tree, fewer means jerkier movement This can still result in long moves because this is "a tile x tiles away" not "only move x tiles", you might path around some walls


find_destination_turfGet a turf to aim towards if we don't already have one, the default behaviour is actually to not do this but we want to extend it Gets passed all of the arguments from setup
plot_movementFigure out where we're going to move to, which isn't all the way to the destination in one go

Var Details


How far ahead do we plot movement per action? Further means longer until we return to the decision tree, fewer means jerkier movement This can still result in long moves because this is "a tile x tiles away" not "only move x tiles", you might path around some walls

Proc Details


Get a turf to aim towards if we don't already have one, the default behaviour is actually to not do this but we want to extend it Gets passed all of the arguments from setup


Figure out where we're going to move to, which isn't all the way to the destination in one go