/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details


Tells the AI to find a certain target nearby to hunt. If a target has been found, we will start to move towards it, and eventually attack it.


finding_behaviorWhat behavior to execute if we have no target
finish_planningdo we finish planning subtree
hunt_chanceWhat are the chances we hunt something at any given moment
hunt_rangeIn what radius will we hunt
hunt_targetsWhat targets we're hunting for
hunting_behaviorWhat behavior to execute if we do have a target
target_keyWhat key in the blacbkboard do we store our hunting target? If you want to have multiple hunting behaviors on a controller be sure that this is unique

Var Details


What behavior to execute if we have no target


do we finish planning subtree


What are the chances we hunt something at any given moment


In what radius will we hunt


What targets we're hunting for


What behavior to execute if we do have a target


What key in the blacbkboard do we store our hunting target? If you want to have multiple hunting behaviors on a controller be sure that this is unique