The heretic antagonist itself.
Vars | |
all_sac_targets | List of all sacrifice target's names, used for end of round report |
ascended | Whether we've ascended! (Completed one of the final rituals) |
blacklisted_rune_turfs | A blacklist of turfs we cannot scribe on. |
drawing_rune | Whether we're drawing a rune or not |
feast_of_owls | Wether we are allowed to ascend |
give_objectives | Whether we give this antagonist objectives on gain. |
heretic_path | The path our heretic has chosen. Mostly used for flavor. |
high_value_sacrifices | A list of TOTAL how many high value sacrifices completed. (Heads of staff) |
knowledge_points | A sum of how many knowledge points this heretic CURRENTLY has. Used to research. |
living_heart_organ_slot | The organ slot we place our Living Heart in. |
passive_gain_timer | The time between gaining influence passively. The heretic gain +1 knowledge points every this duration of time. |
researched_knowledge | Assoc list of [typepath] = [knowledge instance]. A list of all knowledge this heretic's reserached. |
rewards_given | Simpler version of above used to limit amount of loot that can be hoarded |
rust_strength | Controls what types of turf we can spread rust to, increases as we unlock more powerful rust abilites |
sac_targets | Lazy assoc list of [refs to humans] to [image previews of the human]. Humans that we have as sacrifice targets. |
scribing_tools | A static typecache of all tools we can scribe with. |
total_sacrifices | A list of TOTAL how many sacrifices completed. (Includes high value sacrifices) |
unlocked_heretic_items | List that keeps track of which items have been gifted to the heretic after a cultist was sacrificed. Used to alter drop chances to reduce dupes. |
Procs | |
add_marked_as_target | Admin proc for adding a marked mob to a heretic's sac list. |
add_sacrifice_target | Add [target] as a sacrifice target for the heretic. Generates a preview image and associates it with a weakref of the mob. |
admin_change_points | Admin proc for easily adding / removing knowledge points. |
admin_give_focus | Admin proc for giving a heretic a focus. |
after_fully_healed | Signal proc for COMSIG_LIVING_POST_FULLY_HEAL, Gives the heretic aliving heart on aheal or organ refresh |
can_ascend | Checks to see if our heretic can ccurrently ascend. |
check_mansus_grasp_offhand | Callback to check that the user's still got their Mansus Grasp out when drawing a rune. |
draw_rune | The actual process of drawing a rune. |
forge_primary_objectives | Create our objectives for our heretic. |
gain_knowledge | Learns the passed [typepath] of knowledge, creating a knowledge datum and adding it to our researched knowledge list. |
get_knowledge | Check if the wanted type-path is in the list of research knowledge. |
get_researchable_knowledge | Get a list of all knowledge TYPEPATHS that we can currently research. |
get_rituals | Get a list of all rituals this heretic can invoke on a rune. Iterates over all of our knowledge and, if we can invoke it, adds it to our list. |
give_living_heart | Admin proc for giving a heretic a Living Heart easily. |
has_living_heart | Helper to determine if a Heretic |
increase_rust_strength | Makes our heretic more able to rust things. if side_path_only is set to TRUE, this function does nothing for rust heretics. |
on_cult_sacrificed | Signal proc for COMSIG_LIVING_CULT_SACRIFICED to reward cultists for sacrificing a heretic |
on_target_deleted | Signal proc for COMSIG_QDELETING registered on sac targets if sacrifice targets are deleted (gibbed, dusted, whatever), free their slot and reference |
passive_influence_gain | Increments knowledge by one. Used in callbacks for passive gain over time. |
remove_sacrifice_target | Removes [target] from the heretic's sacrifice list. Returns FALSE if no one was removed, TRUE otherwise |
remove_target | Admin proc for removing a mob from a heretic's sac list. |
try_draw_rune | Attempt to draw a rune on [target_turf]. |
Var Details
List of all sacrifice target's names, used for end of round report
Whether we've ascended! (Completed one of the final rituals)
A blacklist of turfs we cannot scribe on.
Whether we're drawing a rune or not
Wether we are allowed to ascend
Whether we give this antagonist objectives on gain.
The path our heretic has chosen. Mostly used for flavor.
A list of TOTAL how many high value sacrifices completed. (Heads of staff)
A sum of how many knowledge points this heretic CURRENTLY has. Used to research.
The organ slot we place our Living Heart in.
The time between gaining influence passively. The heretic gain +1 knowledge points every this duration of time.
Assoc list of [typepath] = [knowledge instance]. A list of all knowledge this heretic's reserached.
Simpler version of above used to limit amount of loot that can be hoarded
Controls what types of turf we can spread rust to, increases as we unlock more powerful rust abilites
Lazy assoc list of [refs to humans] to [image previews of the human]. Humans that we have as sacrifice targets.
A static typecache of all tools we can scribe with.
A list of TOTAL how many sacrifices completed. (Includes high value sacrifices)
List that keeps track of which items have been gifted to the heretic after a cultist was sacrificed. Used to alter drop chances to reduce dupes.
Proc Details
Admin proc for adding a marked mob to a heretic's sac list.
Add [target] as a sacrifice target for the heretic. Generates a preview image and associates it with a weakref of the mob.
Admin proc for easily adding / removing knowledge points.
Admin proc for giving a heretic a focus.
Signal proc for COMSIG_LIVING_POST_FULLY_HEAL, Gives the heretic aliving heart on aheal or organ refresh
Checks to see if our heretic can ccurrently ascend.
Returns FALSE if not all of our objectives are complete, or TRUE otherwise.
Callback to check that the user's still got their Mansus Grasp out when drawing a rune.
- user - the mob drawing the rune
The actual process of drawing a rune.
- user - the mob drawing the rune
- target_turf - the place the rune's being drawn
- drawing_time - how long the do_after takes to make the rune
- additional checks - optional callbacks to be ran while drawing the rune
Create our objectives for our heretic.
Learns the passed [typepath] of knowledge, creating a knowledge datum and adding it to our researched knowledge list.
Returns TRUE if the knowledge was added successfully. FALSE otherwise.
Check if the wanted type-path is in the list of research knowledge.
Get a list of all knowledge TYPEPATHS that we can currently research.
Get a list of all rituals this heretic can invoke on a rune. Iterates over all of our knowledge and, if we can invoke it, adds it to our list.
Returns an associated list of [knowledge name] to [knowledge datum] sorted by knowledge priority.
Admin proc for giving a heretic a Living Heart easily.
Helper to determine if a Heretic
- Has a Living Heart
- Has a an organ in the correct slot that isn't a living heart
- Is missing the organ they need in the slot to make a living heart
Returns HERETIC_NO_HEART_ORGAN if they have no heart (organ) at all, Returns HERETIC_NO_LIVING_HEART if they have a heart (organ) but it's not a living one, and returns HERETIC_HAS_LIVING_HEART if they have a living heart
Makes our heretic more able to rust things. if side_path_only is set to TRUE, this function does nothing for rust heretics.
Signal proc for COMSIG_LIVING_CULT_SACRIFICED to reward cultists for sacrificing a heretic
Signal proc for COMSIG_QDELETING registered on sac targets if sacrifice targets are deleted (gibbed, dusted, whatever), free their slot and reference
Increments knowledge by one. Used in callbacks for passive gain over time.
Removes [target] from the heretic's sacrifice list. Returns FALSE if no one was removed, TRUE otherwise
Admin proc for removing a mob from a heretic's sac list.
Attempt to draw a rune on [target_turf].
- user - the mob drawing the rune
- target_turf - the place the rune's being drawn
- drawing_time - how long the do_after takes to make the rune
- additional checks - optional callbacks to be ran while drawing the rune