Vars | |
employer | the name of the antag flavor this traitor has, set in Traitor's setup if not preset. |
ending_objective | the final objective the traitor has to accomplish, be it escaping, hijacking, or just martyrdom. |
give_uplink | give this traitor an uplink? |
is_hijacker | if TRUE, this traitor will always get hijacking as their final objective |
traitor_flavor | assoc list of strings set up after employer is given |
uplink_flag_given | The flag of uplink that this traitor is supposed to have. |
uplink_handler | The uplink handler that this traitor belongs to. |
uplink_ref | reference to the uplink this traitor was given, if they were. |
Procs | |
can_change_objectives | Returns true if we're allowed to assign ourselves a new objective |
contractor_round_end | Tells how many contracts have been completed. |
forge_ending_objective | |
forge_traitor_objectives | Generates a complete set of traitor objectives up to the traitor objective limit, including non-generic objectives such as martyr and hijack. |
Var Details
the name of the antag flavor this traitor has, set in Traitor's setup if not preset.
the final objective the traitor has to accomplish, be it escaping, hijacking, or just martyrdom.
give this traitor an uplink?
if TRUE, this traitor will always get hijacking as their final objective
assoc list of strings set up after employer is given
The flag of uplink that this traitor is supposed to have.
The uplink handler that this traitor belongs to.
reference to the uplink this traitor was given, if they were.
Proc Details
Returns true if we're allowed to assign ourselves a new objective
Tells how many contracts have been completed.
Forges the endgame objective and adds it to this datum's objective list.
Generates a complete set of traitor objectives up to the traitor objective limit, including non-generic objectives such as martyr and hijack.