/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details



ageThe age of the profile source.
appearance_listAssoc list of item slot to apperance - stores the appearance of every item of this profile.
athletics_levelThe athleticism of the profile source.
dnaThe DNA datum associated with our profile from the profile source
exists_listAssoc list of item slot to boolean - stores whether an item in that slot exists
flags_cover_listAssoc list of item slot to flag - stores the flags_cover of every item of this profile.
id_iconID HUD icon associated with the profile
inhand_icon_state_listAssoc list of item slot to file - stores the inhand file of the item in that slot
lefthand_file_listAssoc list of item slot to file - stores the lefthand file of the item in that slot
nameThe name of the profile / the name of whoever this profile source.
name_listAssoc list of item slot to item name - stores the name of every item of this profile.
physiqueThe body type of the profile source.
profile_snapshotIcon snapshot of the profile
protectedWhether this profile is protected - if TRUE, it cannot be removed from a changeling's profiles without force
quirksThe quirks of the profile source.
righthand_file_listAssoc list of item slot to file - stores the righthand file of the item in that slot
skillchipsA list of paths for any skill chips the profile source had installed
socksThe socks worn by the profile source
stored_scarsWhat scars the profile sorce had, in string form (like persistent scars)
undershirtThe undershirt worn by the profile source
underwearThe underwear worn by the profile source
underwear_colorThe colour of the underwear worn by the profile source
voiceThe TTS voice of the profile source
voice_filterThe TTS filter of the profile filter
worn_icon_listAssoc list of item slot to file - stores the worn icon file of the item in that slot
worn_icon_state_listAssoc list of item slot to string - stores the worn icon state of the item in that slot

Var Details


The age of the profile source.


Assoc list of item slot to apperance - stores the appearance of every item of this profile.


The athleticism of the profile source.


The DNA datum associated with our profile from the profile source


Assoc list of item slot to boolean - stores whether an item in that slot exists


Assoc list of item slot to flag - stores the flags_cover of every item of this profile.


ID HUD icon associated with the profile


Assoc list of item slot to file - stores the inhand file of the item in that slot


Assoc list of item slot to file - stores the lefthand file of the item in that slot


The name of the profile / the name of whoever this profile source.


Assoc list of item slot to item name - stores the name of every item of this profile.


The body type of the profile source.


Icon snapshot of the profile


Whether this profile is protected - if TRUE, it cannot be removed from a changeling's profiles without force


The quirks of the profile source.


Assoc list of item slot to file - stores the righthand file of the item in that slot


A list of paths for any skill chips the profile source had installed


The socks worn by the profile source


What scars the profile sorce had, in string form (like persistent scars)


The undershirt worn by the profile source


The underwear worn by the profile source


The colour of the underwear worn by the profile source


The TTS voice of the profile source


The TTS filter of the profile filter


Assoc list of item slot to file - stores the worn icon file of the item in that slot


Assoc list of item slot to string - stores the worn icon state of the item in that slot