Cinematic datum. Used to show an animation to everyone.
Vars | |
cleanup_time | How long for the final screen remains shown |
is_global | Whether the cinematic is a global cinematic or not |
locked | A list of all mobs who have TRAIT_NO_TRANSFORM set while watching the cinematic |
screen | Refernce to the cinematic screen shown to everyohne |
special_callback | Callbacks passed that occur during the animation |
stop_ooc | Whether the cinematic turns off ooc when played globally. |
watching | A list of all clients watching the cinematic |
Procs | |
clean_up_cinematic | Cleans up the cinematic after a set timer of it sticking on the end screen. |
handle_replacement_cinematics | Whenever another cinematic starts to play over us, we have the chacne to block it. |
invoke_special_callback | Invoke any special callbacks for actual effects synchronized with animation. (Such as a real nuke explosion happening midway) |
lock_mob | Locks a mob, preventing them from moving, being hurt, or acting |
play_cinematic | The actual cinematic occurs here. |
play_cinematic_sound | Simple helper for playing sounds from the cinematic. |
remove_watcher | Removes the passed client from our watching list. |
show_to | Whenever a mob watching the cinematic logs in, show them the ongoing cinematic |
start_cinematic | Actually goes through the process of showing the cinematic to the list of watchers. |
stop_cinematic | Stops the cinematic and removes it from all the viewers. |
unlock_mob | Unlocks a previously locked weakref |
Var Details
How long for the final screen remains shown
Whether the cinematic is a global cinematic or not
A list of all mobs who have TRAIT_NO_TRANSFORM set while watching the cinematic
Refernce to the cinematic screen shown to everyohne
Callbacks passed that occur during the animation
Whether the cinematic turns off ooc when played globally.
A list of all clients watching the cinematic
Proc Details
Cleans up the cinematic after a set timer of it sticking on the end screen.
Whenever another cinematic starts to play over us, we have the chacne to block it.
Invoke any special callbacks for actual effects synchronized with animation. (Such as a real nuke explosion happening midway)
Locks a mob, preventing them from moving, being hurt, or acting
The actual cinematic occurs here.
Simple helper for playing sounds from the cinematic.
Removes the passed client from our watching list.
Whenever a mob watching the cinematic logs in, show them the ongoing cinematic
Actually goes through the process of showing the cinematic to the list of watchers.
Stops the cinematic and removes it from all the viewers.
Unlocks a previously locked weakref