/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


A component that overrides the bubble_icon variable when equipped or implanted while having a simple priority system, so accessories have higher priority than organs, for example.


bubble_iconThe override to the default bubble icon for the atom
priorityThe priority of this bubble icon compared to others


get_bubble_iconGet the bubble icon with the highest priority from all instances of bubble_icon_override currently registered with the target.
get_bubble_icon_targetReturns the potential wearer/owner of the object when the component is un/registered to/from it

Var Details


The override to the default bubble icon for the atom


The priority of this bubble icon compared to others

Proc Details


Get the bubble icon with the highest priority from all instances of bubble_icon_override currently registered with the target.


Returns the potential wearer/owner of the object when the component is un/registered to/from it