A component added to the mind of anyone who is playing in an ongoing CTF match. Any player specific CTF functionality should be implemented here. (someone should implement score tracking here)
Vars | |
can_respawn | Weather or not the player is currently able to respawn. |
ckey_reference | Reference to players ckey, used for sending messages to them relating to CTF. |
ctf_game | Reference to the game this player is participating in. |
death_drop | Item dropped on death, |
player_mob | A reference to the players mob, cleared after they die, restored on respawn. |
team | The team that this player is associated with. |
Procs | |
allow_respawns | Called after a period of time pulled from ctf_game, allows the player to respawn in CTF. |
ctf_dust | Dusts the player and starts a respawn countdown. |
damage_type_check | Stamina and oxygen damage will not dust a player by themself. |
end_game | Called when the associated CTF game ends or their associated team is deleted, dusts the player and deletes this component to ensure no data from it is carried over to future games. |
register_mob | Called when we get a new player mob, register signals and set up the mob. |
send_message | Sends a message to the player. |
Var Details
Weather or not the player is currently able to respawn.
Reference to players ckey, used for sending messages to them relating to CTF.
Reference to the game this player is participating in.
Item dropped on death,
A reference to the players mob, cleared after they die, restored on respawn.
The team that this player is associated with.
Proc Details
Called after a period of time pulled from ctf_game, allows the player to respawn in CTF.
Dusts the player and starts a respawn countdown.
Stamina and oxygen damage will not dust a player by themself.
Called when the associated CTF game ends or their associated team is deleted, dusts the player and deletes this component to ensure no data from it is carried over to future games.
Called when we get a new player mob, register signals and set up the mob.
Sends a message to the player.