Vars | |
allowed_paths | Typecache of all the allowed paths to render. |
black_white_matrix | A matrix that turns everything except #ffffff into pure blackness, used for our images (the outlines are #ffffff). |
blocking_trait | This trait blocks us from receiving echolocation. |
client_color | Ref of the client color we give to the echolocator. |
cooldown_last | Cooldown for the echolocation. |
cooldown_time | Time between echolocations. IMPORTANT!! The effective time in local and the effective time in live are very different. The second is noticeably slower, |
danger_turfs | Typecache of turfs that are dangerous, to give them a special icon. |
echo_group | With mobs that have this echo group in their echolocation receiver trait, we share echo images. |
echo_range | Radius of our view. |
fade_in_time | Time for the image to fade in. |
fade_out_time | Time for the image to fade out and delete itself. |
image_expiry_time | Time for the image to start fading out. |
images_are_static | Are images static? If yes, spawns them on the turf and makes them not change location. Otherwise they change location and pixel shift with the original. |
receivers | Associative list of receivers to lists of atoms they are rendering (those atoms are associated to data of the image and time they were rendered at). |
saved_appearances | All the saved appearances, keyed by icon-icon_state. |
white_matrix | A matrix that turns everything into pure white. |
Var Details
Typecache of all the allowed paths to render.
A matrix that turns everything except #ffffff into pure blackness, used for our images (the outlines are #ffffff).
This trait blocks us from receiving echolocation.
Ref of the client color we give to the echolocator.
Cooldown for the echolocation.
Time between echolocations. IMPORTANT!! The effective time in local and the effective time in live are very different. The second is noticeably slower,
Typecache of turfs that are dangerous, to give them a special icon.
With mobs that have this echo group in their echolocation receiver trait, we share echo images.
Radius of our view.
Time for the image to fade in.
Time for the image to fade out and delete itself.
Time for the image to start fading out.
Are images static? If yes, spawns them on the turf and makes them not change location. Otherwise they change location and pixel shift with the original.
Associative list of receivers to lists of atoms they are rendering (those atoms are associated to data of the image and time they were rendered at).
All the saved appearances, keyed by icon-icon_state.
A matrix that turns everything into pure white.