/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

engraved component!

component for walls that applies an engraved overlay and lets you examine it to read a story (+ art element yay) new creations will get a high art value, cross round scrawlings will get a low one. MUST be a component, though it doesn't look like it. SSPersistence demandeth


engraved_descriptionthe generated story string
icon_state_appendwhat random icon state should the engraving have
persistent_savewhether this is a new engraving, or a persistence loaded one.
story_valueThe story value of this piece.


on_examinesignal called on parent being examined
on_update_overlaysUsed to maintain the acid overlay on the parent /atom.
save_persistentreturns all the information SSpersistence needs in a list to load up this engraving on a future round!

Var Details


the generated story string


what random icon state should the engraving have


whether this is a new engraving, or a persistence loaded one.


The story value of this piece.

Proc Details


signal called on parent being examined


Used to maintain the acid overlay on the parent /atom.


returns all the information SSpersistence needs in a list to load up this engraving on a future round!