Experiment Handler 
This is the component for interacting with experiments from a connected techweb. It is generic and should be set-up to automatically work on any class it is attached to without outside code (Excluding potential callbacks)
Vars | |
allowed_experiments | Holds the list of types of experiments that this experiment_handler can interact with |
blacklisted_experiments | Holds the list of types of experiments that this experimennt_handler should NOT interact with |
config_flags | Additional configuration flags for how the experiment_handler operates |
disallowed_traits | A set of optional experiment traits (see defines) that are disallowed for any experiments |
linked_web | Holds the currently linked techweb to get experiments from |
selected_experiment | Holds the currently selected experiment |
start_experiment_callback | Callback that, when supplied, can be called from the UI |
Procs | |
Initialize | Initializes a new instance of the experiment_handler component |
action_experiment | Attempts to perform the selected experiment given some arguments |
announce_message | Announces a message to this experiment handler |
announce_message_to_all | Announces a message to all experiment handlers |
can_select_experiment | Checks if an experiment is valid to be selected by this handler |
configure_experiment | Attempts to show the user the experiment configuration panel |
configure_experiment_click | Attempts to show the user the experiment configuration panel |
ignored_handheld_experiment_attempt | Provides feedback when an item isn't related to an experiment, and has fully passed the attack chain |
link_experiment | Attempts to link this experiment_handler to a provided experiment |
link_techweb | Attempts to link this experiment_handler to a provided techweb |
should_run_handheld_experiment | Checks that an experiment can be run using the provided target, used for preventing the cancellation of the attack chain inappropriately |
try_run_autopsy_experiment | Hooks on a successful autopsy experiment |
try_run_destructive_experiment | Hooks on destructive scans to try and run an experiment (When using a handheld handler) |
try_run_handheld_experiment | Hooks on attack to try and run an experiment (When using a handheld handler) |
try_run_handheld_experiment_async | This proc exists because Jared Fogle really likes async |
ui_handle_experiment | Hook for handling UI interaction via signals |
unlink_experiment | Unlinks this handler from the selected experiment |
unlink_techweb | Unlinks this handler from the selected techweb |
Var Details
Holds the list of types of experiments that this experiment_handler can interact with
Holds the list of types of experiments that this experimennt_handler should NOT interact with
Additional configuration flags for how the experiment_handler operates
A set of optional experiment traits (see defines) that are disallowed for any experiments
Holds the currently linked techweb to get experiments from
Holds the currently selected experiment
Callback that, when supplied, can be called from the UI
Proc Details
Initializes a new instance of the experiment_handler component
- allowed_experiments - The list of /datum/experiment types that can be performed with this component
- blacklisted_experiments - The list of /datum/experiment types that explicitly cannot be performed with this component
- config_mode - The define that determines how the experiment_handler should display the configuration UI
- disallowed_traits - Flags that control what experiment traits are blacklisted by this experiment handler
- config_flags - Flags that control the operational behaviour of the experiment handler, see experiment defines
- start_experiment_callback - When provided adds a UI button to use this callback to the start the experiment
Attempts to perform the selected experiment given some arguments
Announces a message to this experiment handler
- message - The message to announce
Announces a message to all experiment handlers
- message - The message to announce
Checks if an experiment is valid to be selected by this handler
- experiment - The experiment to check
Attempts to show the user the experiment configuration panel
- user - The user to show the experiment configuration panel to
Attempts to show the user the experiment configuration panel
- user - The user to show the experiment configuration panel to
Provides feedback when an item isn't related to an experiment, and has fully passed the attack chain
Attempts to link this experiment_handler to a provided experiment
- experiment - The experiment to attempt to link to
Attempts to link this experiment_handler to a provided techweb
This proc attempts to link the handler to a provided techweb, overriding the existing techweb if relevant
- new_web - The new techweb to link to
Checks that an experiment can be run using the provided target, used for preventing the cancellation of the attack chain inappropriately
Hooks on a successful autopsy experiment
Hooks on destructive scans to try and run an experiment (When using a handheld handler)
Hooks on attack to try and run an experiment (When using a handheld handler)
This proc exists because Jared Fogle really likes async
Hook for handling UI interaction via signals
Unlinks this handler from the selected experiment
Unlinks this handler from the selected techweb