omen For when you want someone to have a really bad day
When you attach an omen component to someone, they start running the risk of all sorts of bad environmental injuries, like nearby vending machines randomly falling on you, or hitting your head really hard when you slip and fall, or you get shocked by the tram rails at an unfortunate moment.
Omens are removed once the victim is either maimed by one of the possible injuries, or if they receive a blessing (read: bashing with a bible) from the chaplain.
Vars | |
damage_mod | Base damage from negative events. Cursed take 25% of this damage. |
incidents_left | How many incidents are left. If 0 exactly, it will get deleted. |
luck_mod | Base probability of negative events. Cursed are half as unlucky. |
vessel | Whatever's causing the omen, if there is one. Destroying the vessel won't stop the omen, but we destroy the vessel (if one exists) upon the omen ending |
Procs | |
InheritComponent | This is a omen eat omen world! The stronger omen survives. |
check_accident | check_accident() is called each step we take |
check_bless | Hijack the mood system to see if we get the blessing mood event to cancel the omen |
check_death | Severe deaths. Normally lifts the curse. |
check_slip | If we get knocked down, see if we have a really bad slip and bash our head hard |
death_explode | Creates a localized explosion that shakes the camera |
vessel_qdeleting | Vessel got deleted, set it to null |
Var Details
Base damage from negative events. Cursed take 25% of this damage.
How many incidents are left. If 0 exactly, it will get deleted.
Base probability of negative events. Cursed are half as unlucky.
Whatever's causing the omen, if there is one. Destroying the vessel won't stop the omen, but we destroy the vessel (if one exists) upon the omen ending
Proc Details
This is a omen eat omen world! The stronger omen survives.
check_accident() is called each step we take
While we're walking around, roll to see if there's any environmental hazards on one of the adjacent tiles we can trigger. We do the prob() at the beginning to A. add some tension for /when/ it will strike, and B. (more importantly) ameliorate the fact that we're checking up to 5 turfs's contents each time
Hijack the mood system to see if we get the blessing mood event to cancel the omen
Severe deaths. Normally lifts the curse.
If we get knocked down, see if we have a really bad slip and bash our head hard
Creates a localized explosion that shakes the camera
Vessel got deleted, set it to null