Attaches a puzzgrid to the atom. You are expected to pass in the puzzgrid, likely from create_random_puzzgrid(). This is so you can handle when a puzzgrid can't be generated, either because the config does not exist, or because the config is not set up properly.
Vars | |
all_answers | Every answer, in text, including already solved ones |
lives | The number of lives left |
on_fail_callback | Callback that will be called when you lose, either through running out of time or running out of lives |
on_victory_callback | Callback that will be called when you win |
selected_answers | The answers, in text, that are currently selected |
solved_groups | The puzzgrid groups that have already been solved |
time_to_finish | The world timestamp for when the puzzgrid will fail, if timer was set in Initialize |
Var Details
Every answer, in text, including already solved ones
The number of lives left
Callback that will be called when you lose, either through running out of time or running out of lives
Callback that will be called when you win
The answers, in text, that are currently selected
The puzzgrid groups that have already been solved
The world timestamp for when the puzzgrid will fail, if timer was set in Initialize