Vars | |
faction | Faction to grant to mobs (only applies to mobs) |
max_spawn_per_attempt | How many mobs can we spawn maximum each time we try to spawn? (1 - max) |
max_spawned | Maximum number of atoms we can have active at one time |
spawn_callback | Callback to a proc that is called when a mob is spawned. Primarily used for sentient spawners. |
spawn_distance | Distance from the spawner to spawn mobs |
spawn_distance_exclude | Distance from the spawner to exclude mobs from spawning |
spawn_text | Visible message to show when something spawns |
spawn_time | Time to wait between spawns |
spawn_types | List of atom types to spawn, picked randomly |
spawned_things | List of weak references to things we have already created |
Procs | |
mob_stat_changed | Called when a mob we spawned dies, remove it from the list and unregister signals |
on_deleted | Called when an atom we spawned is deleted, remove it from the list |
stop_spawning | Stop spawning mobs |
try_spawn_mob | Try to create a new mob |
validate_references | Remove weakrefs to atoms which have been killed or deleted without us picking it up somehow |
Var Details
Faction to grant to mobs (only applies to mobs)
How many mobs can we spawn maximum each time we try to spawn? (1 - max)
Maximum number of atoms we can have active at one time
Callback to a proc that is called when a mob is spawned. Primarily used for sentient spawners.
Distance from the spawner to spawn mobs
Distance from the spawner to exclude mobs from spawning
Visible message to show when something spawns
Time to wait between spawns
List of atom types to spawn, picked randomly
List of weak references to things we have already created
Proc Details
Called when a mob we spawned dies, remove it from the list and unregister signals
Called when an atom we spawned is deleted, remove it from the list
Stop spawning mobs
Try to create a new mob
Remove weakrefs to atoms which have been killed or deleted without us picking it up somehow