/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details

Stove Component

Makes the attached object a stove

Pots can be put on the stove to make soup, and attack-handing it will start processing where it will heat up the pot's reagents inside


containerA reference to the current soup pot overtop
container_xContainer's pixel x when placed on the stove
container_yContainer's pixel y when placed on the stove
flame_colorThe color of the flames around the burner.
heat_coefficientModifies how much temperature is exposed to the reagents, and in turn modifies how fast the reagents are heated.
onWhether we're currently cooking
particle_typeTypepath of particles to use for the particle holder.
soup_soundRef to our looping sound played when cooking

Var Details


A reference to the current soup pot overtop


Container's pixel x when placed on the stove


Container's pixel y when placed on the stove


The color of the flames around the burner.


Modifies how much temperature is exposed to the reagents, and in turn modifies how fast the reagents are heated.


Whether we're currently cooking


Typepath of particles to use for the particle holder.


Ref to our looping sound played when cooking