Tippable component. For making mobs able to be tipped, like cows and medibots.
Vars | |
is_tipped | Whether the mob is currently tipped. |
post_tipped_callback | Callback to additional behavior after successfully tipping the mob. |
post_untipped_callback | Callback to additional behavior after being untipped. |
pre_tipped_callback | Callback to additional behavior before being tipped (on try_tip). Return anything from this callback to cancel the tip. |
roleplay_callback | Callback to any extra roleplay behaviour |
roleplay_emotes | List of emotes that will half their untip time |
roleplay_friendly | Should we accept roleplay? |
roleplayed | Have we roleplayed? |
self_right_time | Time it takes for the mob to right itself. Can be 0 for instant self-righting, or null, to never self-right. |
self_untip_timer | The timer given until they untip themselves |
tip_time | Time it takes to tip the mob. Can be 0, for instant tipping. |
untip_time | Time it takes to untip the mob. Can also be 0, for instant untip. |
Procs | |
accept_roleplay | Accepts "roleplay" in the form of emotes, which removes a quarter of the remaining time left to untip ourself. |
do_tip | Actually tip over the mob, setting it to tipped. Also invoking any callbacks we have, with the tipper as the argument, and set a timer to right our self-right our tipped mob if we can. |
do_untip | Actually untip over the mob, setting it to untipped. Also invoke any untip callbacks we have, with the untipper as the argument. |
interact_with_tippable | Attempt to interact with [source], either tipping it or helping it up. |
right_self | Proc called after a timer to have a tipped mob un-tip itself after a certain length of time. Sets our mob to untipped and invokes the untipped callback without any arguments if we have one. |
set_tipped_status | Toggles our tipped status between tipped or untipped (TRUE or FALSE) also handles rotating our mob and adding immobilization traits |
try_tip | Try to tip over [tipped_mob]. If the mob is dead, or optional callback returns a value, or our do-after fails, we don't tip the mob. Otherwise, upon completing of the do_after, tip over the mob. |
try_untip | Try to untip a mob that has been tipped. After a do-after is completed, we untip the mob. |
Var Details
Whether the mob is currently tipped.
Callback to additional behavior after successfully tipping the mob.
Callback to additional behavior after being untipped.
Callback to additional behavior before being tipped (on try_tip). Return anything from this callback to cancel the tip.
Callback to any extra roleplay behaviour
List of emotes that will half their untip time
Should we accept roleplay?
Have we roleplayed?
Time it takes for the mob to right itself. Can be 0 for instant self-righting, or null, to never self-right.
The timer given until they untip themselves
Time it takes to tip the mob. Can be 0, for instant tipping.
Time it takes to untip the mob. Can also be 0, for instant untip.
Proc Details
Accepts "roleplay" in the form of emotes, which removes a quarter of the remaining time left to untip ourself.
- mob/living/user - The tipped mob
- datum/emote/emote - The emote used by the mob
Actually tip over the mob, setting it to tipped. Also invoking any callbacks we have, with the tipper as the argument, and set a timer to right our self-right our tipped mob if we can.
tipped_mob - the mob who was tipped tipper - the mob who tipped the tipped_mob
Actually untip over the mob, setting it to untipped. Also invoke any untip callbacks we have, with the untipper as the argument.
tipped_mob - the mob who was tipped tipper - the mob who tipped the tipped_mob
Attempt to interact with [source], either tipping it or helping it up.
source - the mob being tipped over user - the mob interacting with source
Proc called after a timer to have a tipped mob un-tip itself after a certain length of time. Sets our mob to untipped and invokes the untipped callback without any arguments if we have one.
tipped_mob - the mob who was tipped, and is freeing itself
Toggles our tipped status between tipped or untipped (TRUE or FALSE) also handles rotating our mob and adding immobilization traits
tipped_mob - the mob we're setting to tipped or untipped new_status - the tipped status we're setting the mob to - TRUE for tipped, FALSE for untipped
Try to tip over [tipped_mob]. If the mob is dead, or optional callback returns a value, or our do-after fails, we don't tip the mob. Otherwise, upon completing of the do_after, tip over the mob.
tipped_mob - the mob being tipped over tipper - the mob tipping the tipped_mob
Try to untip a mob that has been tipped. After a do-after is completed, we untip the mob.
tipped_mob - the mob who is tipped untipper - the mob who is untipping the tipped_mob