Component which allows clothing to deploy a different kind of clothing onto you. The simplest example is hooded suits deploying hoods onto your head.
Vars | |
action_name | Name of toggle action |
currently_deployed | Current state of our deployable equipment |
deployable | Instance of the item we're creating |
deployable_type | Typepath of what we're creating |
destroy_on_removal | If true, we delete our deployable on toggle rather than putting it in nullspace |
down_overlay_state_suffix | Icon state for overlay to display over the parent item while deployable item is not deployed |
equipped_slot | Which slot this item equips into |
on_created | Optional callback triggered when we create our deployable equipment |
on_deployed | Optional callback triggered when we have deployed our equipment |
on_removed | Optional callback triggered before we hide our equipment, before as we may delete it afterwards |
parent_icon_state_suffix | What should be added to the end of the parent icon state when equipment is deployed? Set to "" for no change |
pre_creation_check | Optional callback triggered before deploying, return TRUE to continue or FALSE to cancel |
toggle_action | Action used to toggle deployment |
undeployed_overlay | Overlay to display over the parent item while deployable item is not deployed |
Procs | |
create_deployable | Create our gear, returns true if we actually made anything |
on_action_slot_checked | Called when action attempts to check what slot the item is worn in |
on_checked_overlays | Apply an overlay while the item is not deployed |
on_deployed_destroyed | Undeploy gear if it is deleted |
on_deployed_dropped | Undeploy gear if you drop it |
on_deployed_equipped | Undeploy gear if it moves slots somehow |
on_parent_equipped | Undeploy gear if it moves slots somehow |
on_parent_equipped_outfit | Display deployed if worn in an outfit |
on_toggle_pressed | Toggle deployable when the UI button is clicked |
remove_deployable | Removes our deployed equipment from the wearer |
toggle_deployable | Deploys gear if it is hidden, hides it if it is deployed |
unequip_deployable | Removes an equipped deployable atom upon its retraction or destruction |
Var Details
Name of toggle action
Current state of our deployable equipment
Instance of the item we're creating
Typepath of what we're creating
If true, we delete our deployable on toggle rather than putting it in nullspace
Icon state for overlay to display over the parent item while deployable item is not deployed
Which slot this item equips into
Optional callback triggered when we create our deployable equipment
Optional callback triggered when we have deployed our equipment
Optional callback triggered before we hide our equipment, before as we may delete it afterwards
What should be added to the end of the parent icon state when equipment is deployed? Set to "" for no change
Optional callback triggered before deploying, return TRUE to continue or FALSE to cancel
Action used to toggle deployment
Overlay to display over the parent item while deployable item is not deployed
Proc Details
Create our gear, returns true if we actually made anything
Called when action attempts to check what slot the item is worn in
Apply an overlay while the item is not deployed
Undeploy gear if it is deleted
Undeploy gear if you drop it
Undeploy gear if it moves slots somehow
Undeploy gear if it moves slots somehow
Display deployed if worn in an outfit
Toggle deployable when the UI button is clicked
Removes our deployed equipment from the wearer
Deploys gear if it is hidden, hides it if it is deployed
Removes an equipped deployable atom upon its retraction or destruction