Trader NPC Component 
Manages the barks and the stocks of the traders Also manages the interactive radial menu
Vars | |
products | Format; list(TYPEPATH = list(PRICE, QUANTITY)) Associated list of items the NPC sells with how much they cost and the quantity available before a restock This list is filled by Initialize(), if you want to change the starting products, modify initial_products() |
radial_icons_cache | Contains images of all radial icons |
trader_data | Contains information of a specific trader |
wanted_items | A list of wanted items that the trader would wish to buy, each typepath has a assigned value, quantity and additional flavor text |
Procs | |
apply_sell_price_mods | Modifies the 'base' price of a item based on certain variables |
buy_item | Generates a radial of the items the NPC sells and lets the user try to buy one Arguments: |
can_trade | Returns if the trader is conscious and its combat mode is disabled. |
check_menu | Checks if the customer is ok to use the radial |
discuss | Talk about what items are being sold/wanted by the trader and in what quantity or lore |
exchange_sold_items | Handles modifying/deleting the items to ensure that a proper amount is converted into cash; put into its own proc to make the children of this not override a 30+ line sell_item() |
generate_cash | Creates an item equal to the value set by the proc and puts it in the user's hands if possible Arguments: |
on_attack_hand | If our trader is alive, and the customer left clicks them with an empty hand without combat mode |
open_npc_options | Generates a radial of the initial radials of the NPC Called via asynch, due to the sleep caused by show_radial_menu Arguments: |
renew_item_demands | Sets quantity of all wanted_items to initial(quanity); this proc is currently called during initialize |
restock_products | Sets quantity of all products to initial(quanity); this proc is currently called during initialize |
sell_item | Checks if an item is in the list of wanted items and if it is after a Yes/No radial returns generate_cash with the value of the item for the NPC Arguments: |
spend_buyer_offhand_money | Calculates the value of money in the hand of the buyer and spends it if it's sufficient |
trader_buys_what | Displays to the customer what the trader is willing to buy and how much until a restock happens |
trader_sells_what | Displays to the customer what the trader is selling and how much is in stock |
try_sell | Tries to call sell_item on one of the customer's held items, if fail gives a chat message |
Var Details
Format; list(TYPEPATH = list(PRICE, QUANTITY)) Associated list of items the NPC sells with how much they cost and the quantity available before a restock This list is filled by Initialize(), if you want to change the starting products, modify initial_products()
Contains images of all radial icons
Contains information of a specific trader
A list of wanted items that the trader would wish to buy, each typepath has a assigned value, quantity and additional flavor text
As an additional note; if you include multiple children of a typepath; the typepath with the most children should be placed after all other typepaths Bad; list(/obj/item/milk = list(100, 1, ""), /obj/item/milk/small = list(50, 2, "")) Good; list(/obj/item/milk/small = list(50, 2, ""), /obj/item/milk = list(100, 1, "")) This is mainly because sell_item() uses a istype(item_being_sold, item_in_entry) to determine what parent should the child be automatically considered as If /obj/item/milk/small/spooky was being sold; /obj/item/milk/small would be the first to check against rather than /obj/item/milk
Format; list(TYPEPATH = list(PRICE, QUANTITY, ADDITIONAL_DESCRIPTION)) Associated list of items able to be sold to the NPC with the money given for them. The price given should be the "base" price; any price manipulation based on variables should be done with apply_sell_price_mods() ADDITIONAL_DESCRIPTION is any additional text added to explain how the variables of the item effect the price; if it's stack based, its final price depends how much is in the stack EX; /obj/item/stack/sheet/mineral/diamond = list(500, INFINITY, ", per 100 cm3 sheet of diamond") This list is filled by Initialize(), if you want to change the starting wanted items, modify initial_wanteds()
Proc Details
Modifies the 'base' price of a item based on certain variables
- Reference to the item; this is the item being sold
- Original cost; the original cost of the item, to be manipulated depending on the variables of the item, one example is using item.amount if it's a stack
Generates a radial of the items the NPC sells and lets the user try to buy one Arguments:
- customer - (Mob REF) The mob trying to buy something
Returns if the trader is conscious and its combat mode is disabled.
Checks if the customer is ok to use the radial
Checks if the customer is not a mob or is incapacitated or not adjacent to the source of the radial, in those cases returns FALSE, otherwise returns TRUE Arguments:
- customer - (Mob REF) The mob checking the menu
Talk about what items are being sold/wanted by the trader and in what quantity or lore
Handles modifying/deleting the items to ensure that a proper amount is converted into cash; put into its own proc to make the children of this not override a 30+ line sell_item()
- selling - (Item REF) this is the item being sold
- value_exchanged_for - (Number) the "value", useful for a scenario where you want to remove enough items equal to the value
- original_typepath - (Typepath) For scenarios where a children of a parent is being sold but we want to modify the parent's product information
Creates an item equal to the value set by the proc and puts it in the user's hands if possible Arguments:
- value - A number; The amount of cash that will be on the holochip
- customer - Reference to a mob; The mob we put the holochip in hands of
If our trader is alive, and the customer left clicks them with an empty hand without combat mode
Generates a radial of the initial radials of the NPC Called via asynch, due to the sleep caused by show_radial_menu Arguments:
- customer - (Mob REF) The mob trying to buy something
Sets quantity of all wanted_items to initial(quanity); this proc is currently called during initialize
Sets quantity of all products to initial(quanity); this proc is currently called during initialize
Checks if an item is in the list of wanted items and if it is after a Yes/No radial returns generate_cash with the value of the item for the NPC Arguments:
- customer - (Mob REF) The mob trying to sell something
- selling - (Item REF) The item being sold
Calculates the value of money in the hand of the buyer and spends it if it's sufficient
Displays to the customer what the trader is willing to buy and how much until a restock happens
Displays to the customer what the trader is selling and how much is in stock
Tries to call sell_item on one of the customer's held items, if fail gives a chat message
Gets both items in the customer's hands, and then tries to call sell_item on them, if both fail, he gives a chat message Arguments:
- customer - (Mob REF) The mob trying to sell something