All /obj/item(s) have a hidden_uplink var. By default it's null. Give the item one with 'new(src') (it must be in its contents). Then add 'uses.' Use whatever conditionals you want to check that the user has an uplink, and then call interact() on their uplink. You might also want the uplink menu to open if active. Check if the uplink is 'active' and then interact() with it.
Vars | |
active | Whether the uplink is currently active or not |
allow_restricted | Whether this uplink allows restricted items to be accessed |
failsafe_code | The failsafe code that causes this uplink to blow up. |
lockable | Whether this uplink can be locked or not |
locked | Whether the uplink is locked or not. |
name | Name of the uplink |
owner | Current owner of the uplink |
previous_attempts | Used for pen uplink |
purchase_log | Purchase log, listing all the purchases this uplink has made |
unlock_code | Code to unlock the uplink. |
unlock_note | The unlock note that is sent to the traitor with this uplink. This is not modular and not recommended to expand upon |
unlock_text | The unlock text that is sent to the traitor with this uplink. This is not modular and not recommended to expand upon |
uplink_handler | The current linked uplink handler. |
Procs | |
lock_uplink | Proc that locks uplinks |
Var Details
Whether the uplink is currently active or not
Whether this uplink allows restricted items to be accessed
The failsafe code that causes this uplink to blow up.
Whether this uplink can be locked or not
Whether the uplink is locked or not.
Name of the uplink
Current owner of the uplink
Used for pen uplink
Purchase log, listing all the purchases this uplink has made
Code to unlock the uplink.
The unlock note that is sent to the traitor with this uplink. This is not modular and not recommended to expand upon
The unlock text that is sent to the traitor with this uplink. This is not modular and not recommended to expand upon
The current linked uplink handler.
Proc Details
Proc that locks uplinks