Vars | |
GPS_list | Global GPS_list. All GPS components get saved in here for easy reference. |
WALLITEMS_INTERIOR | Checks if that loc and dir has an item on the wall |
abstract_mob_types | List of types of abstract mob which shouldn't usually exist in the world on its own if we're spawning random mobs |
achievement_categories | A list of the current achievement categories supported by the UI and checked by the achievement unit test |
achievement_sounds | A list of sounds that can be played when unlocking an achievement, set in the preferences. |
active_jammers | List of active radio jammers |
adamantine_recipes | Others |
admin_activities | All admin related log lines minus their categories |
admin_states | tgui state: admin_state |
admin_trait_name_map | value -> trait name, generated as needed for adminning. |
ai_controllers_by_status | basic ai controllers based on status |
ai_controllers_by_zlevel | basic ai controllers based on their z level |
ai_employers | employers for malfunctioning ais. they do not have sides, unlike traitors. |
ai_subtrees | all basic ai subtrees |
air_alarm_modes | Keys are /datum/air_alarm_mode paths Values are their respective instances. |
alive_player_list | All alive mobs with clients. |
all_languages | List if all language typepaths learnable, IE, those with keys |
all_loadout_categories | Global list of all loadout categories Doesn't really NEED to be a global but we need to init this early for preferences, as the categories instantiate all the loadout datums |
all_loadout_datums | Global list of ALL loadout datums instantiated. Loadout datums are created by loadout categories. |
all_ongoing_hallucinations | A global list of all ongoing hallucinations, primarily for easy access to be able to stop (delete) hallucinations. |
all_voice_of_god_triggers | Used to stop listeners with silly or clown-esque (first) names such as "Honk" or "Flip" from screwing up certain commands. |
all_wound_pregen_data | A assoc list of (wound typepath -> wound_pregen_data instance). Every wound should have a pregen data. |
allowed_money | A static typecache of all the money-based items that can be actively used as currency. |
always_state | tgui state: always_state |
animatable_blacklist | Mimics can't be made out of these objects |
announcer_keys | Global list of all of our announcer keys. |
arcade_prize_pool | List of all things that can be dispensed by an arcade cabinet and the weight of them being picked. |
areas | Just a list of all the area objects in the game Note, areas can have duplicate types |
areas_by_type | An association from typepath to area instance. Only includes areas with unique set. |
armor_by_type | Assosciative list of type -> armor. Used to ensure we always hold a reference to default armor datums |
base_starlight_color | The base color of light space emits |
basketball_bad_signup | list of ghosts who want to play basketball that have since disconnected. They are kept in the lobby, but not counted for starting a game. |
basketball_game | the current global basketball game running. |
basketball_signup | list of ghosts who want to play basketball, every time someone enters the list it checks to see if enough are in |
battle_royale_regions | Global list of areas which are considered to be inside the same department for our purposes |
bio_state_anatomy | A assoc list of BIO_ define to EXTERIOR/INTERIOR defines. This is where the interior/exterior state of a given biostate is set. Note that not all biostates are guaranteed to be one of these - and in fact, many are not IMPORTANT NOTE: All keys are stored as text and must be converted via text2num |
bioscrambler_organs_blacklist | Blacklist of organs which should not appear when bioscrambled. Either will look terrible outside of intended host, give you magical powers, are irreversible, or kill you |
bioscrambler_parts_blacklist | Blacklist of parts which should not appear when bioscrambled, largely because they will make you look totally fucked up |
bioscrambler_valid_organs | List of organs we can apply to people |
bioscrambler_valid_parts | List of body parts we can apply to people |
biotypes_to_scar_file | Assoc list of biotype -> ideal scar file to be used and grab stuff from. |
blacklisted_metalgen_types | Turfs metalgen can't touch |
blob_telepathy_mobs | All living mobs which can hear blob telepathy |
bluespace_senders | All bluespace gas senders |
bombers | All bomb related messages |
bsa_unlock | BSA unlocked by head ID swipes |
cable_list | List of all cables, so that powernets don't have to look through the entire world all the time |
cached_maps | List of all the maps that have been cached for /proc/load_map |
cached_storage_typecaches | Almost 100% of the time the lists passed into set_holdable are reused for each instance Just fucking cache it 4head Yes I could generalize this, but I don't want anyone else using it. in fact, DO NOT COPY THIS If you find yourself needing this pattern, you're likely better off using static typecaches I'm not because I do not trust implementers of the storage component to use them, BUT IF I FIND YOU USING THIS PATTERN IN YOUR CODE I WILL BREAK YOU ACROSS MY KNEES ~Lemon |
can_pass_info_vars | List of vars on /datum/can_pass_info to use when checking two instances for equality |
carp_colors | Weighted list of colours a carp can be Weighted list of usual carp colors |
cell_line_tables | These global lists exist to allow our element to have weight tables without having to be separate instances. Assoc list of cell line define | assoc list of datum | cell_line |
cell_virus_tables | Assoc list of cell virus define | assoc list of datum | cell_virus |
chasm_detritus_types | List containing chasm detritus singletons. |
chasm_fallen_mobs | Global list needed to let fishermen with a rescue hook fish fallen mobs from any place |
chemical_reactions_list | list of all /datum/chemical_reaction datums indexed by their typepath. Use this for general lookup stuff |
chemical_reactions_list_product_index | list of all /datum/chemical_reaction datums. Used for the reaction lookup UI. Indexed by PRODUCT type |
chemical_reactions_list_reactant_index | list of all /datum/chemical_reaction datums. Used during chemical reactions. Indexed by REACTANT types |
chemical_reactions_results_lookup_list | list of all reactions with their associated product and result ids. Used for reaction lookups |
chemical_reagents_list | list of all /datum/reagent datums indexed by reagent id. Used by chemistry stuff |
chicken_count | Counter for number of chicken mobs in the universe. Chickens will not lay fertile eggs if it exceeds the MAX_CHICKENS define. |
chicks_from_eggs | Counter for number of chicks hatched by throwing eggs, minecraft style. Chicks will not emerge from thrown eggs if this value exceeds the MAX_CHICKENS define. |
clown_mask_options | Map of names of clown mask types to clown mask icon states |
conscious_state | tgui state: conscious_state |
contained_state | tgui state: contained_state |
cooking_recipes | Global list of all cooking related crafting recipes. |
cooking_recipes_atoms | This is a global list of typepaths, these typepaths are atoms or reagents that are associated with cooking recipes. This includes stuff like recipe components and results. |
crafting_recipes | Global list of all non-cooking related crafting recipes. |
crafting_recipes_atoms | This is a global list of typepaths, these typepaths are atoms or reagents that are associated with crafting recipes. This includes stuff like recipe components and results. |
ctf_games | A list containing all loaded CTF games |
cult_narsie | The global Nar'sie that the cult's summoned |
current_anonymous_theme | global reference to the current theme, if there is one. |
current_living_antags | All alive antags with clients. |
current_observers_list | All observers with clients that joined as observers. |
curtains | List of all curtains for button tracking |
custom_areas | A list of player-created areas. |
customized_pets | Pet customization settings saved for every client |
dead_player_list | All dead mobs with clients. Does not include observers. |
deep_inventory_state | tgui state: deep_inventory_state |
default_pda_themes | List of PDA themes that are accessible to everyone by default. |
default_state | tgui state: default_state |
deliverybeacons | List of all active delivery beacons |
deliverybeacontags | List of all active delivery beacon locations |
department_cd_override | Stores an override value for the order cooldown to be used by the Dpt. Order Cooldown button in the secrets menu. When null, the override is not active. |
department_security_spawns | list of all department security spawns |
drone_machine_blacklist_enabled | If drones are blacklisted from certain sensitive machines |
dug_up_basalt | Used by ashstorms to replenish basalt tiles that have been dug up without going through all of them. |
duplicate_forbidden_vars | List of all vars that will not be copied over when using duplicate_object() |
dynamic_forced_rulesets | Rulesets which have been forcibly enabled or disabled |
dynamic_human_appearances | Global list of all dynamically generated icons, for caching, so we don't have to generate multiple times. |
dynamic_ruleset_categories | Bitflags used during init by Dynamic to determine which rulesets we're allowed to use, used by station traits for gamemode-esque experiences |
dynamic_station_traits | Modify the threat level for station traits before dynamic can be Initialized. List(instance = threat_reduction) |
editable_sign_types | This is a global list of all signs you can change an existing sign or new sign backing to, when using a pen on them. |
em_block_color | A globally cached version of EM_BLOCK_COLOR for quick access. |
em_mask_matrix | A globally cached version of EM_MASK_MATRIX for quick access. |
emissive_color | A globally cached version of EMISSIVE_COLOR for quick access. |
exodrone_launchers | All exodrone launchers. |
exodrones | All exodrones. |
exoscanner_bands | List of scanned distances |
exploration_sites | All exploration site instances |
explorer_drone_adventure_db_entries | All possible adventures in raw form |
fake_reagent_blacklist | list of all reagents that are parent types used to define a bunch of children - but aren't used themselves as anything. |
features_block_lengths | The same rules of the above also apply here, with the exception that this is for the unique_features string variable (commonly abbreviated with uf) and its blocks. Both ui and uf have a standard block length of 3 ASCII characters. |
features_by_species | An assoc list of species types to their features (from get_features()) |
fileaccess_timer | For FTP requests. (i.e. downloading runtime logs.) |
fire_appearances | Global list that containes cached fire overlays for mobs |
fish_evolutions | A global list of fish evolutions, which are singletons. |
fish_traits | A global list of singleton fish traits by their paths |
fishes_by_fish_evolution | A list of fish evolution types, each having an associated list containing all fish types that have it. |
floor_designs | all designs supported by the RTD |
floor_diseases | Possible diseases |
focused_tests | A list of every test that is currently focused. Use the PERFORM_ALL_TESTS macro instead. |
food_buffs | Weighted lists of crafted food buffs randomly given according to crafting_complexity unless the food has a specific buff |
food_quality_description | Labels for food quality |
food_quality_events | Mood events for food quality |
gas_id_to_canister | List of all the gases, used in labelling the canisters |
gas_recipe_meta | Global list of recipes for atmospheric machines to use |
gateway_destinations | List of possible gateway destinations. |
generic_event_spawns | List of generic landmarks placed around the map where there are likely to be players and are identifiable at a glance - Such as public hallways, department rooms, head of staff offices, and non-generic maintenance locations |
glass_style_singletons | Global list of all glass style singletons created. See /proc/create_glass_styles for list format. |
glide_size_multiplier | Compensating for time dilation |
global_funny_embedding | set this to a new instance of a SUBTYPE of global_funny_embedding. The main type is a prototype and will runtime really hard |
global_trait_name_map | value -> trait name, list of ALL traits that exist in the game, used for any type of accessing. |
golem_stack_food_directory | Associated list of stack types to a golem food |
golem_stack_food_types | Golem food datum singletons |
gravity_generators | We will keep track of this by adding new gravity generators to the list, and keying it with the z level. |
greenscreen_displays | Tracks all active greenscreen displays |
greyscale_menu_state | tgui state: greyscale menu |
guardian_themes | Assoc list of guardian theme singletons |
gutlunch_count | keeps track of how many gutlunches are born |
hands_state | tgui state: hands_state |
has_antagonist_huds | All active /datum/atom_hud/alternate_appearance/basic/has_antagonist instances |
heretic_sacrifice_landmarks | A global assoc list of all landmarks that denote a heretic sacrifice location. [string heretic path] = [landmark]. |
heretic_start_knowledge | Global list of all heretic knowledge that have is_starting_knowledge = TRUE. List of PATHS. |
hfr_fuels_list | Global list of recipes for atmospheric machines to use |
hijack_employers | employers who hire agents to do the hijack |
holidays | HOLIDAYS |
hostile_machines | List of objects that AIs will treat as targets |
huds_by_category | gets filled by each /datum/atom_hud/New(). associative list of the form: list(hud category = list(all global atom huds that use that category)) |
human_adjacent_state | tgui state: human_adjacent_state |
human_heights_to_offsets | Assoc list of all heights, cast to strings, to """"tuples""""" The first """tuple""" index is the upper body offset The second """tuple""" index is the lower body offset |
human_invader_antagonists | List of human antagonist types which don't spawn directly on the space station |
ice_cream_flavours | ICE CREAM FLAVOUR DATUM STUFF |
icon_dimensions | Cache of the width and height of icon files, to avoid repeating the same expensive operation |
identity_block_lengths | Some identity blocks (basically pieces of the unique_identity string variable of the dna datum, commonly abbreviated with ui) may have a length that differ from standard length of 3 ASCII characters. This list is necessary for these non-standard blocks to work, as well as the entire unique identity string. Should you add a new ui block which size differ from the standard (again, 3 ASCII characters), like for example, a color, please do not forget to also include it in this list in the following format: "[dna block number]" = dna block size, Failure to do that may result in bugs. Thanks. |
immerse_ignored_movable | A list of movables that shouldn't be affected by the element, either because it'd look bad or barely perceptible |
infuser_entries | A list of all infuser entries |
integrated_circuits | A list of all integrated circuits |
intento_players | All people who have used an Intento this round along with their high scores. |
intercoms_list | list of wallmounted intercom radios. |
inventory_state | tgui state: inventory_state |
investigate_signaler | Investigate log for signaler usage, use the add_to_signaler_investigate_log proc |
jobspawn_overrides | Assoc list of "job titles" to "job landmarks" These will take precedence over normal job spawnpoints if created, essentially allowing a user to override generic job spawnpoints with a specific one |
joinable_mobs | List of all mobs with the "ghost_direct_control" component |
landmarks_list | list of all landmarks created |
language_datum_instances | List of language prototypes to reference, assoc [type] = prototype |
language_menu_state | tgui state: language_menu_state |
lawchanges | Stores who uploaded laws to which silicon-based lifeform, and what the law was |
layers_to_offset | Used for human height overlay adjustments Certain standing overlay layers shouldn't have a filter applied and should instead just offset by a pixel y This list contains all the layers that must offset, with its value being whether it's a part of the upper half of the body (TRUE) or not (FALSE) |
light_pirate_gangs | global lists of all pirate gangs that can show up today. they will be taken out of the global lists as spawned so dupes cannot spawn. |
light_types | Global list of all light template types |
lighting_sheets | Cached global list of generated lighting sheets. See: datum/light_source/proc/get_sheet() |
lobby_station_traits | Station traits displayed in the lobby |
log_directory | The directory in which ALL log files should be stored |
lost_crew_manager | Manager for the lost crew bodies, for spawning and granting rewards |
mafia_bad_signup | list of ghosts who want to play mafia that have since disconnected. They are kept in the lobby, but not counted for starting a game. |
mafia_early_votes | list of ghosts in mafia_signup who have voted to start early |
mafia_game | the current global mafia game running. |
mafia_signup | list of ghosts who want to play mafia, every time someone enters the list it checks to see if enough are in |
magicarp_spell_colours | Associative list of magicarp spells to colours, expand this list if you expand the other lists |
magicarp_spell_types | A list of spells magicarp can use and a corresponding name prefix to apply |
map_incident_displays | List of incident displays on the map Required as persistence subsystem loads after the ones present at mapload, and to reset to 0 upon explosion. |
map_loaded_sensors | list of all air sensor's created round start |
map_reports | Global list of map report datums |
map_writing_running | A guard variable to prevent more than one map export process from occurring at the same time. |
marker_beacon_colors | Marker Beacons |
mass_teaching | A global singleton datum used to store a "summon things controller" for Mass Teaching, to grant a specific spellbook entry to stationgoers and latejoiners |
mechas_list | List of all mechs for hostile mob target tracking |
megafauna_spawn_list | Global list of megafauna spawns on cave gen |
message_delay | Used to make sure restarting the recent_messages list is kept in sync. |
message_modes_stat_limits | Whitelist of saymodes or radio extensions that can be spoken through even if not fully conscious. Associated values are their maximum allowed mob stats. |
meteor_eyeballs | List of all the meteor eyeballs so we can gib them upon meteor death |
meteor_list | List of all meteors. |
mob_spawners | List of all instances of /obj/effect/mob_spawn/ghost_role in the game world |
mod_link_ids | Global list of all ids associated to a /datum/mod_link instance |
mod_masks | Global cache of mod skins to masks per different configuration of pulled out parts. |
mod_module_overlays | Global cache of mod skins to deployed parts to module icon states |
mod_themes | Global list of all /datum/mod_theme |
mook_commands | commands the chief can pick from |
name2reagent | Map of reagent names to its datum path |
nanotrasen_employers | employers that are from Nanotrasen |
narcd_underages | underages who have been reported to security for trying to buy things they shouldn't, so they can't spam |
navbeacons | List of all nav beacons indexed by stringified z level |
nearsighted_glasses | Lists related to quirk selection Types of glasses that can be selected at character selection with the Nearsighted quirk |
never_state | tgui state: never_state |
new_player_state | tgui state: new_player_state |
normal_employers | employers who hire agents to do a task and escape... or martyrdom. whatever |
not_incapacitated_state | tgui state: not_incapacitated_state |
not_incapacitated_turf_state | tgui state: not_incapacitated_turf_state |
notcontained_state | tgui state: notcontained_state |
objects_by_id_tag | A list of all /obj by their id_tag |
observer_state | tgui state: observer_state |
oilfry_blacklisted_items | Global typecache of things which should never be fried. |
order_console_products | List of all items that can be found in the different types of order consoles, to purchase. |
ore_silo_default | The global ore silo shared by all machines at round start |
ore_vent_minerals_lavaland | Sets of global lists breaking down the base spawning distributions for various maps and stations. |
ore_vent_sizes | List of how many ore vents spawned, and of what size. |
organ_choice | Options for Prosthetic Organ |
organ_process_order | Defines how a mob's organs_slot is ordered Exists so Life()'s organ process order is consistent |
paper_blanks | Paper blanks (form templates, basically). Loaded from config/blanks.json .
If invalid or not found, set to null. |
paraplegic_choice | Paraplegic Quirk |
parasites | List of all guardians currently extant |
part_choice_transhuman | Transhumanist quirk |
pda_mafia_signup | list of PDAs who want to play mafia, every time someone enters the list it checks to see if enough are in |
pda_messengers | A list of all active and visible messengers |
pda_name_to_theme | List of PDA themes that are accessible to everyone by default. |
persistent_clients | A flat list of all persistent clients, for her looping pleasure. |
persistent_clients_by_ckey | assoc list of ckey -> /datum/persistent_client |
petsplosion_candidates | Candidates for the petsplosion wizard event |
phobia_types | Phobia types that can be pulled randomly for brain traumas. Also determines what phobias you can choose as your preference with the quirk. |
physical_obscured_state | tgui state: physical_obscured_state |
physical_state | tgui state: physical_state |
picture_log_directory | Picture logging |
pillars_by_z | List of z pillars (datums placed in the bottom left of XbyX squares that control transparency in that space) The pillars are stored in triple depth lists indexed by (world_size % pillar_size) + 1 They are created at transparent turf request, and deleted when no turfs remain |
pinpointer_list | list of all pinpointers. Used to change stuff they are pointing to all at once. |
pipe_color_name | Names shown in the examine for every colored atmos component |
pipe_colors_ordered | List that sorts the colors and is used for setting up the pipes layer so that they overlap correctly |
pipe_paint_colors | All colors available to pipes and atmos components |
plant_traits | list of all plan traits |
plumbing_layer_names | Reverse of plumbing_layers, as "[bitflag]" => name |
plumbing_layers | List of plumbing layers as name => bitflag |
poll_options | All poll option datums of running polls |
polls | All currently running polls held as datums |
portals | List of all portals |
possible_alcoholic_addictions | Options for the Alcoholic quirk to choose from |
possible_junkie_addictions | Options for the Junkie quirk to choose from |
possible_smoker_addictions | Options for the Smoker quirk to choose from |
post_ore_manual | List of how many minerals spawned randomly off of mining Z-levels, and at what quantity. |
post_ore_random | List of how many minerals spawned based on proximity to an ore vent. |
preference_entries | An assoc list list of types to instantiated /datum/preference instances |
preference_entries_by_key | An assoc list of preference entries by their savefile_key |
prisoner_crimes | Types of Crimes Prisoners will have on their record roundstart. (They also can choose Random, which picks from these options... randomly!) |
prosthetic_limb_choice | Options for the prosthetic limb quirk to choose from |
prototype_language_holders | A global assoc list containing prototypes of all language holders [Language holder typepath] to [language holder instance] Used for easy reference of what can speak what without needing to constantly recreate language holders. |
quirk_chipped_choice | chipped Quirk |
random_hallucination_weighted_list | Global weighted list of all hallucinations that can show up randomly. |
rcd_designs | all stuff used by RCD for construction |
rcd_list | list of Rapid Construction Devices. |
reagent_containers | List of containers the Chem Master machine can print |
reality_smash_track | We want reality_smash_tracker to exist only once and be accessible from anywhere. |
recent_messages | Global list of recent messages broadcasted : used to circumvent massive radio spam |
required_map_items | Global assoc list of required mapping items, [item typepath] to [required item datum]. |
revenant_relay_mobs | All "living" (because revenants are in between mortal planes or whatever) mobs that can hear revenants |
round_default_lawset | See /proc/get_round_default_lawset, do not get directily. This is the default lawset for silicons. |
roundstart_races | List of roundstart races' their species_id's |
roundstart_station_borgcharger_areas | List of area names of roundstart station cyborg rechargers, for the low charge/no charge cyborg screen alert tooltips. |
roundstart_station_closets | A comprehensive list of all closets (NOT CRATES) in the game world |
roundstart_station_mechcharger_areas | List of area names of roundstart station mech rechargers, for the low charge/no charge mech screen alert tooltips. |
rpgloot_controller | Holds the global datum for rpgloot, so anywhere may check for its existence (it signals into whatever it needs to modify, so it shouldn't require fetching) |
rpgtitle_controller | Holds the global datum for rpgtitle, so anywhere may check for its existence (it signals into whatever it needs to modify, so it shouldn't require fetching) |
rune_types | Assoc list of every rune that can be drawn by ritual daggers. [rune_name] = [typepath] |
sacrificed | list of weakrefs to mobs OR minds that have been sacrificed |
sacrifices_used | how many sacrifices we have used, cultists get 1 free revive at the start |
scan_conditions | Scan condition instances |
scanned_fish_by_techweb | a superlist containing typecaches shared between the several fish scanning experiments for each techweb. |
scarred_eye_choice | Scarred Eye Quirk |
screentip_context_icons | Stores the cursor hint icons for screentip context. |
security_officer_distribution | The department distribution of the security officers. |
see_through_maps | global statics for the see_through_component coordinate maps For ease of use, include a comment in the shape of the coordinate map, where O is nothing, X is a hidden tile and A is the object List-coordinate layout is list(relative_x, relative_y, relative_z) Turf finding algorithm needs the z and you can totally use it, but I can't think of any reason to ever do it Also it'd be really cool if you could keep the list-coordinates in here represent their actual relative coords, dont use tabs though since their spacing can differ |
self_state | tgui state: self_state |
shuttle_caller_list | List of all atoms that can call the shuttle, for automatic shuttle calls when there are none. |
side_choice_hemiplegic | Hemiplegic Quirk |
silo_access_logs | List of logs shared by all silos |
singularities | List of all singularity components that exist |
sm_delam_list | Priority is top to bottom. |
sm_gas_behavior | Assoc of sm_gas_behavior/datum/gas (path) = datum/sm_gas (instance) |
sniffable_sheets | list of all sheets with sniffable = TRUE for the sniffer to locate |
snowstorm_sounds | Tracks where we should play snowstorm sounds for the area sound listener |
sortedAreas | Used by jump-to-area etc. Updated by area/updateName() If this is null, it needs to be recalculated. Use get_sorted_areas() as a getter please |
spanname_to_formatting | A giant associative list of span names, and the associated key to create the text span. Used for narrate verbs. |
special_roles | This defines the antagonists you can operate with in the settings. Keys are the antagonist, values are the number of days since the player's first connection in order to play. |
species_list | An assoc list of species IDs to type paths |
species_prototypes | List of all species prototypes to reference, assoc [type] = prototype |
specific_fish_icons | When adding new fishable rewards to a table/counts, you can specify an icon to show in place of the generic fish icon in the minigame UI should the user have the TRAIT_REVEAL_FISH trait, by adding it to this list. |
splattable | splat subtype, handling signals and mood logic |
spontaneous_fish_traits | A nested list of fish types and traits that they can spontaneously manifest with associated probabilities e.g. list(/obj/item/fish = list(/datum/fish_trait = 100), etc...) |
standing_state | tgui state: standing_state |
starlight_color | The color of light space is currently emitting |
starlight_objects | List of plane offset + 1 -> object to display to use Fills with offsets as they are generated Holds a list of objects that represent starlight. The idea is to render_source them So modifying starlight requires touching only one place (NOTE: this doesn't work for the area overlays) In order to modify them you need to use set_starlight. Areas don't work with render sources it looks like |
starlight_overlays | List of plane offset + 1 -> mutable appearance to use Fills with offsets as they are generated They mirror their appearance from the starlight objects, which lets us save time updating them |
starlight_power | The power of the light space is throwin out |
starlight_range | The range of the light space is displaying |
start_landmarks_list | list of all job spawn points created |
station_nuke_source | The source of the last nuke that went off |
station_was_nuked | Whether the station has been nuked itself. TRUE only if the station was actually hit by the nuke, otherwise FALSE |
stock_part_datums | Map of stock part type to their singleton |
stock_part_datums_per_object | Map of physical stock part types to their /datum/stock_part |
summon_guns | A global singleton datum used to store a "summon things controller" for Summon Guns, to grant random guns to stationgoers and latejoiners |
summon_magic | A global singleton datum used to store a "summon things controller" for Summon Magic, to grant random magical items to stationgoers and latejoiners |
surgeries_list | list of all surgeries by name, associated with their path. |
surgery_steps | list of all surgery steps, associated by their path. |
syndicate_employers | employers that are from the syndicate |
syndicate_shuttle_boards | List of all nukie shuttle boards, for forcing launch delay if they declare war |
target_interested_atoms | Static typecache list of things we are interested in Consider this a union of the for loop and the hearers call from below Must be kept up to date with the contents of hostile_machines |
tcgcard_health_bar_radial_choices | Global list containing all options used for the TGC health button. |
tcgcard_mana_bar_radial_choices | Global list containing all options used for the TGC mana button. |
telecomms_list | A list of all of the /obj/machinery/telecomms (and subtypes) machines
that exist in the world currently. |
teleport_runes | List of all teleport runes |
teleportbeacons | List of all active teleport beacons |
teleportlocs | A list of teleport locations |
the_gateway | Station home gateway |
the_station_areas | Global list of AREA TYPES that are associated with the station. |
time_last_changed_position | The time since the last job opening was created |
timezoneOffset | The difference betwen midnight (of the host computer) and 0 world.ticks. |
tool_items | List of all "tools" that can fit into belts or work from toolboxes |
topdown_planes | Whitelist of planes allowed to use TOPDOWN_LAYER |
total_uf_len_by_block | Ditto but for unique features. Used by the datum/dna/set_uni_feature_block and datum/dna/get_uni_feature_block procs. |
total_ui_len_by_block | A list of numbers that keeps track of where ui blocks start in the unique_identity string variable of the dna datum. Commonly used by the datum/dna/set_uni_identity_block and datum/dna/get_uni_identity_block procs. |
tracked_implants | List of all implants currently implanted into a mob |
triple_ai_controller | global reference to the current theme, if there is one. |
typecache_elevated_structures | A typecache listing structures that are considered to have surfaces that you can place items on that are higher than the floor. This, of course, should be restricted to /atom/movables. This is primarily used for food decomposition code. |
typecache_general_bad_hostile_attack_targets | A typecache of objects that player controlled, easily accessible, hostile mobs should not be able to attack |
typecache_general_bad_things_to_easily_move | A typecache of objects that player controlled, easily accessible, hostile mobs should not be able to move around easily |
typecache_holodeck_linked_floorcheck_ok | typecache for turfs that should be considered ok during floorchecks. A linked turf being anything not in this typecache will cause the holodeck to perform an emergency shutdown. |
uncommon_roundstart_languages | List of all roundstart languages by path except common |
unit_test_mapping_logs | When unit testing, all logs sent to log_mapping are stored here and retrieved in log_mapping unit test. |
unplanned_controllers | basic ai controllers that are currently performing idled behaviors |
vampire_houses | list that stores a vampire house name for each department |
vending_machines_to_restock | List of vending machines that players can restock, so only vending machines that are on station or don't have a unique condition. |
vine_mutations_list | A list of the possible mutations for a vine |
voice_of_god_commands | List of all voice of god commands |
voidwalker_void | A global assoc list for the drop of point |
wiremod_basic_types | The basic player-facing types that don't have any super special behaviour. |
wiremod_fundamental_types | The fundamental datatypes of the byond game engine. |
wizard_spellbook_purchases_by_key | Global assoc list. [ckey] = [spellbook entry type] |
wound_series_collections | A branching assoc list of (series -> list(severity -> list(typepath -> weight))). Allows you to say "I want a generic slash wound", then "Of severity 2", and get a wound of that description - via get_corresponding_wound_type() Series: A generic wound_series, such as WOUND_SERIES_BONE_BLUNT_BASIC Severity: Any wounds held within this will be of this severity. Typepath, Weight: Merely a pairing of a given typepath to its weight, held for convenience in pickweight. |
wound_severities_chronological | A "chronological" list of wound severities, starting at the least severe. |
wounding_types_to_series | A branching assoc list of (wounding_type -> list(wound_series)). Allows for determining of which wound series are caused by what. |
xeno_sample_colors | List of all possible sample colors |
xenobiology_magicarp_spell_types | A reduced list of spells for magicarp spawned in xenobiology, less disruptive |
z_state | tgui state: z_state |
zombie_infection_list | A list of all zombie_infection organs, for any mass "animation" |
Var Details
Global GPS_list. All GPS components get saved in here for easy reference.
Checks if that loc and dir has an item on the wall
List of types of abstract mob which shouldn't usually exist in the world on its own if we're spawning random mobs
A list of the current achievement categories supported by the UI and checked by the achievement unit test
A list of sounds that can be played when unlocking an achievement, set in the preferences.
List of active radio jammers
All admin related log lines minus their categories
tgui state: admin_state
Checks if the user has specific admin permissions.
value -> trait name, generated as needed for adminning.
basic ai controllers based on status
basic ai controllers based on their z level
employers for malfunctioning ais. they do not have sides, unlike traitors.
all basic ai subtrees
Keys are /datum/air_alarm_mode paths Values are their respective instances.
All alive mobs with clients.
List if all language typepaths learnable, IE, those with keys
Global list of all loadout categories Doesn't really NEED to be a global but we need to init this early for preferences, as the categories instantiate all the loadout datums
Global list of ALL loadout datums instantiated. Loadout datums are created by loadout categories.
A global list of all ongoing hallucinations, primarily for easy access to be able to stop (delete) hallucinations.
Used to stop listeners with silly or clown-esque (first) names such as "Honk" or "Flip" from screwing up certain commands.
A assoc list of (wound typepath -> wound_pregen_data instance). Every wound should have a pregen data.
A static typecache of all the money-based items that can be actively used as currency.
tgui state: always_state
Always grants the user UI_INTERACTIVE. Period.
Mimics can't be made out of these objects
Global list of all of our announcer keys.
List of all things that can be dispensed by an arcade cabinet and the weight of them being picked.
Just a list of all the area objects in the game Note, areas can have duplicate types
An association from typepath to area instance. Only includes areas with unique
Assosciative list of type -> armor. Used to ensure we always hold a reference to default armor datums
The base color of light space emits
list of ghosts who want to play basketball that have since disconnected. They are kept in the lobby, but not counted for starting a game.
the current global basketball game running.
list of ghosts who want to play basketball, every time someone enters the list it checks to see if enough are in
Global list of areas which are considered to be inside the same department for our purposes
A assoc list of BIO_ define to EXTERIOR/INTERIOR defines. This is where the interior/exterior state of a given biostate is set. Note that not all biostates are guaranteed to be one of these - and in fact, many are not IMPORTANT NOTE: All keys are stored as text and must be converted via text2num
Blacklist of organs which should not appear when bioscrambled. Either will look terrible outside of intended host, give you magical powers, are irreversible, or kill you
Blacklist of parts which should not appear when bioscrambled, largely because they will make you look totally fucked up
List of organs we can apply to people
List of body parts we can apply to people
Assoc list of biotype -> ideal scar file to be used and grab stuff from.
Turfs metalgen can't touch
All living mobs which can hear blob telepathy
All bluespace gas senders
All bomb related messages
BSA unlocked by head ID swipes
List of all cables, so that powernets don't have to look through the entire world all the time
List of all the maps that have been cached for /proc/load_map
Almost 100% of the time the lists passed into set_holdable are reused for each instance Just fucking cache it 4head Yes I could generalize this, but I don't want anyone else using it. in fact, DO NOT COPY THIS If you find yourself needing this pattern, you're likely better off using static typecaches I'm not because I do not trust implementers of the storage component to use them, BUT IF I FIND YOU USING THIS PATTERN IN YOUR CODE I WILL BREAK YOU ACROSS MY KNEES ~Lemon
List of vars on /datum/can_pass_info to use when checking two instances for equality
Weighted list of colours a carp can be Weighted list of usual carp colors
These global lists exist to allow our element to have weight tables without having to be separate instances. Assoc list of cell line define | assoc list of datum | cell_line
Assoc list of cell virus define | assoc list of datum | cell_virus
List containing chasm detritus singletons.
Global list needed to let fishermen with a rescue hook fish fallen mobs from any place
list of all /datum/chemical_reaction datums indexed by their typepath. Use this for general lookup stuff
list of all /datum/chemical_reaction datums. Used for the reaction lookup UI. Indexed by PRODUCT type
list of all /datum/chemical_reaction datums. Used during chemical reactions. Indexed by REACTANT types
list of all reactions with their associated product and result ids. Used for reaction lookups
list of all /datum/reagent datums indexed by reagent id. Used by chemistry stuff
Counter for number of chicken mobs in the universe. Chickens will not lay fertile eggs if it exceeds the MAX_CHICKENS define.
Counter for number of chicks hatched by throwing eggs, minecraft style. Chicks will not emerge from thrown eggs if this value exceeds the MAX_CHICKENS define.
Map of names of clown mask types to clown mask icon states
tgui state: conscious_state
Only checks if the user is conscious.
tgui state: contained_state
Checks that the user is inside the src_object.
Global list of all cooking related crafting recipes.
This is a global list of typepaths, these typepaths are atoms or reagents that are associated with cooking recipes. This includes stuff like recipe components and results.
Global list of all non-cooking related crafting recipes.
This is a global list of typepaths, these typepaths are atoms or reagents that are associated with crafting recipes. This includes stuff like recipe components and results.
A list containing all loaded CTF games
The global Nar'sie that the cult's summoned
global reference to the current theme, if there is one.
All alive antags with clients.
All observers with clients that joined as observers.
List of all curtains for button tracking
A list of player-created areas.
Pet customization settings saved for every client
All dead mobs with clients. Does not include observers.
tgui state: deep_inventory_state
Checks that the src_object is in the user's deep (backpack, box, toolbox, etc) inventory.
List of PDA themes that are accessible to everyone by default.
tgui state: default_state
Checks a number of things -- mostly physical distance for humans and view for robots.
List of all active delivery beacons
List of all active delivery beacon locations
Stores an override value for the order cooldown to be used by the Dpt. Order Cooldown button in the secrets menu. When null, the override is not active.
list of all department security spawns
If drones are blacklisted from certain sensitive machines
Used by ashstorms to replenish basalt tiles that have been dug up without going through all of them.
List of all vars that will not be copied over when using duplicate_object()
Rulesets which have been forcibly enabled or disabled
Global list of all dynamically generated icons, for caching, so we don't have to generate multiple times.
Bitflags used during init by Dynamic to determine which rulesets we're allowed to use, used by station traits for gamemode-esque experiences
Modify the threat level for station traits before dynamic can be Initialized. List(instance = threat_reduction)
This is a global list of all signs you can change an existing sign or new sign backing to, when using a pen on them.
A globally cached version of EM_BLOCK_COLOR for quick access.
A globally cached version of EM_MASK_MATRIX for quick access.
A globally cached version of EMISSIVE_COLOR for quick access.
All exodrone launchers.
All exodrones.
List of scanned distances
All exploration site instances
All possible adventures in raw form
list of all reagents that are parent types used to define a bunch of children - but aren't used themselves as anything.
The same rules of the above also apply here, with the exception that this is for the unique_features string variable (commonly abbreviated with uf) and its blocks. Both ui and uf have a standard block length of 3 ASCII characters.
An assoc list of species types to their features (from get_features())
For FTP requests. (i.e. downloading runtime logs.)
However it'd be ok to use for accessing attack logs and such too, which are even laggier.
Global list that containes cached fire overlays for mobs
A global list of fish evolutions, which are singletons.
A global list of singleton fish traits by their paths
A list of fish evolution types, each having an associated list containing all fish types that have it.
all designs supported by the RTD
Possible diseases
A list of every test that is currently focused. Use the PERFORM_ALL_TESTS macro instead.
Weighted lists of crafted food buffs randomly given according to crafting_complexity unless the food has a specific buff
Labels for food quality
Mood events for food quality
List of all the gases, used in labelling the canisters
Global list of recipes for atmospheric machines to use
List of possible gateway destinations.
List of generic landmarks placed around the map where there are likely to be players and are identifiable at a glance - Such as public hallways, department rooms, head of staff offices, and non-generic maintenance locations
Global list of all glass style singletons created. See /proc/create_glass_styles for list format.
Compensating for time dilation
set this to a new instance of a SUBTYPE of global_funny_embedding. The main type is a prototype and will runtime really hard
value -> trait name, list of ALL traits that exist in the game, used for any type of accessing.
Associated list of stack types to a golem food
Golem food datum singletons
We will keep track of this by adding new gravity generators to the list, and keying it with the z level.
Tracks all active greenscreen displays
tgui state: greyscale menu
Checks that the target var of the greyscale menu meets the default can_use_topic criteria
Assoc list of guardian theme singletons
keeps track of how many gutlunches are born
tgui state: hands_state
Checks that the src_object is in the user's hands.
All active /datum/atom_hud/alternate_appearance/basic/has_antagonist instances
A global assoc list of all landmarks that denote a heretic sacrifice location. [string heretic path] = [landmark].
Global list of all heretic knowledge that have is_starting_knowledge = TRUE. List of PATHS.
Global list of recipes for atmospheric machines to use
employers who hire agents to do the hijack
Uncommenting ALLOW_HOLIDAYS in config.txt will enable holidays
It's easy to add stuff. Just add a holiday datum in code/modules/holiday/ You can then check if it's a special day in any code in the game by calling check_holidays("Groundhog Day")
You can also make holiday random events easily thanks to Pete/Gia's system. simply make a random event normally, then assign it a holidayID string which matches the holiday's name. Anything with a holidayID, which isn't in the holidays list, will never occur.
Please, Don't spam stuff up with stupid stuff (key example being april-fools Pooh/ERP/etc), and don't forget: CHECK YOUR CODE!!!! We don't want any zero-day bugs which happen only on holidays and never get found/fixed!
List of objects that AIs will treat as targets
gets filled by each /datum/atom_hud/New(). associative list of the form: list(hud category = list(all global atom huds that use that category))
tgui state: human_adjacent_state
In addition to default checks, only allows interaction for a human adjacent user.
Assoc list of all heights, cast to strings, to """"tuples""""" The first """tuple""" index is the upper body offset The second """tuple""" index is the lower body offset
List of human antagonist types which don't spawn directly on the space station
Cache of the width and height of icon files, to avoid repeating the same expensive operation
Some identity blocks (basically pieces of the unique_identity string variable of the dna datum, commonly abbreviated with ui) may have a length that differ from standard length of 3 ASCII characters. This list is necessary for these non-standard blocks to work, as well as the entire unique identity string. Should you add a new ui block which size differ from the standard (again, 3 ASCII characters), like for example, a color, please do not forget to also include it in this list in the following format: "[dna block number]" = dna block size, Failure to do that may result in bugs. Thanks.
A list of movables that shouldn't be affected by the element, either because it'd look bad or barely perceptible
A list of all infuser entries
A list of all integrated circuits
All people who have used an Intento this round along with their high scores.
list of wallmounted intercom radios.
tgui state: inventory_state
Checks that the src_object is in the user's top-level (hand, ear, pocket, belt, etc) inventory.
Investigate log for signaler usage, use the add_to_signaler_investigate_log proc
Assoc list of "job titles" to "job landmarks" These will take precedence over normal job spawnpoints if created, essentially allowing a user to override generic job spawnpoints with a specific one
List of all mobs with the "ghost_direct_control" component
list of all landmarks created
List of language prototypes to reference, assoc [type] = prototype
tgui state: language_menu_state
Stores who uploaded laws to which silicon-based lifeform, and what the law was
Used for human height overlay adjustments Certain standing overlay layers shouldn't have a filter applied and should instead just offset by a pixel y This list contains all the layers that must offset, with its value being whether it's a part of the upper half of the body (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
global lists of all pirate gangs that can show up today. they will be taken out of the global lists as spawned so dupes cannot spawn.
Global list of all light template types
Cached global list of generated lighting sheets. See: datum/light_source/proc/get_sheet()
Station traits displayed in the lobby
The directory in which ALL log files should be stored
Manager for the lost crew bodies, for spawning and granting rewards
list of ghosts who want to play mafia that have since disconnected. They are kept in the lobby, but not counted for starting a game.
list of ghosts in mafia_signup who have voted to start early
the current global mafia game running.
list of ghosts who want to play mafia, every time someone enters the list it checks to see if enough are in
Associative list of magicarp spells to colours, expand this list if you expand the other lists
A list of spells magicarp can use and a corresponding name prefix to apply
List of incident displays on the map Required as persistence subsystem loads after the ones present at mapload, and to reset to 0 upon explosion.
list of all air sensor's created round start
Global list of map report datums
A guard variable to prevent more than one map export process from occurring at the same time.
Marker Beacons
A global singleton datum used to store a "summon things controller" for Mass Teaching, to grant a specific spellbook entry to stationgoers and latejoiners
List of all mechs for hostile mob target tracking
Global list of megafauna spawns on cave gen
Used to make sure restarting the recent_messages list is kept in sync.
Whitelist of saymodes or radio extensions that can be spoken through even if not fully conscious. Associated values are their maximum allowed mob stats.
List of all the meteor eyeballs so we can gib them upon meteor death
List of all meteors.
List of all instances of /obj/effect/mob_spawn/ghost_role in the game world
Global list of all ids associated to a /datum/mod_link instance
Global cache of mod skins to masks per different configuration of pulled out parts.
Global cache of mod skins to deployed parts to module icon states
Global list of all /datum/mod_theme
commands the chief can pick from
Map of reagent names to its datum path
employers that are from Nanotrasen
underages who have been reported to security for trying to buy things they shouldn't, so they can't spam
List of all nav beacons indexed by stringified z level
Lists related to quirk selection Types of glasses that can be selected at character selection with the Nearsighted quirk
tgui state: never_state
Always closes the UI, no matter what. See the ui_state in to see an example
tgui state: new_player_state
Checks that the user is a /mob/dead/new_player
employers who hire agents to do a task and escape... or martyrdom. whatever
tgui state: not_incapacitated_state
Checks that the user isn't incapacitated
tgui state: not_incapacitated_turf_state
Checks that the user isn't incapacitated and that their loc is a turf
tgui state: notcontained_state
Checks that the user is not inside src_object, and then makes the default checks.
A list of all /obj by their id_tag
tgui state: observer_state
Checks that the user is an observer/ghost.
Global typecache of things which should never be fried.
List of all items that can be found in the different types of order consoles, to purchase.
The global ore silo shared by all machines at round start
Sets of global lists breaking down the base spawning distributions for various maps and stations.
Currently used for ore vents on roundstart when the map is generated. (See, seedRuins() and Ore vent lists here are copied to ore_vent_minerals on ruin seeding, in order to dynamically adjust the spawn rates as materials are picked and set a global ore distribution from vents.
By default vents pull 4 unique materials each, but this can vary with subtypes.
List of how many ore vents spawned, and of what size.
Options for Prosthetic Organ
Defines how a mob's organs_slot is ordered Exists so Life()'s organ process order is consistent
Paper blanks (form templates, basically). Loaded from config/blanks.json
If invalid or not found, set to null.
Paraplegic Quirk
List of all guardians currently extant
Transhumanist quirk
list of PDAs who want to play mafia, every time someone enters the list it checks to see if enough are in
A list of all active and visible messengers
List of PDA themes that are accessible to everyone by default.
A flat list of all persistent clients, for her looping pleasure.
assoc list of ckey -> /datum/persistent_client
Candidates for the petsplosion wizard event
Phobia types that can be pulled randomly for brain traumas. Also determines what phobias you can choose as your preference with the quirk.
tgui state: physical_obscured_state
Short-circuits the default state to only check physical distance, being in view doesn't matter
tgui state: physical_state
Short-circuits the default state to only check physical distance.
Picture logging
List of z pillars (datums placed in the bottom left of XbyX squares that control transparency in that space) The pillars are stored in triple depth lists indexed by (world_size % pillar_size) + 1 They are created at transparent turf request, and deleted when no turfs remain
list of all pinpointers. Used to change stuff they are pointing to all at once.
Names shown in the examine for every colored atmos component
List that sorts the colors and is used for setting up the pipes layer so that they overlap correctly
All colors available to pipes and atmos components
list of all plan traits
Reverse of plumbing_layers, as "[bitflag]" => name
List of plumbing layers as name => bitflag
All poll option datums of running polls
All currently running polls held as datums
List of all portals
Options for the Alcoholic quirk to choose from
Options for the Junkie quirk to choose from
Options for the Smoker quirk to choose from
List of how many minerals spawned randomly off of mining Z-levels, and at what quantity.
List of how many minerals spawned based on proximity to an ore vent.
An assoc list list of types to instantiated /datum/preference
An assoc list of preference entries by their savefile_key
Types of Crimes Prisoners will have on their record roundstart. (They also can choose Random, which picks from these options... randomly!)
Options for the prosthetic limb quirk to choose from
A global assoc list containing prototypes of all language holders [Language holder typepath] to [language holder instance] Used for easy reference of what can speak what without needing to constantly recreate language holders.
chipped Quirk
Global weighted list of all hallucinations that can show up randomly.
all stuff used by RCD for construction
list of Rapid Construction Devices.
List of containers the Chem Master machine can print
We want reality_smash_tracker to exist only once and be accessible from anywhere.
Global list of recent messages broadcasted : used to circumvent massive radio spam
Global assoc list of required mapping items, [item typepath] to [required item datum].
All "living" (because revenants are in between mortal planes or whatever) mobs that can hear revenants
See /proc/get_round_default_lawset, do not get directily. This is the default lawset for silicons.
List of roundstart races' their species_id's
List of area names of roundstart station cyborg rechargers, for the low charge/no charge cyborg screen alert tooltips.
A comprehensive list of all closets (NOT CRATES) in the game world
List of area names of roundstart station mech rechargers, for the low charge/no charge mech screen alert tooltips.
Holds the global datum for rpgloot, so anywhere may check for its existence (it signals into whatever it needs to modify, so it shouldn't require fetching)
Holds the global datum for rpgtitle, so anywhere may check for its existence (it signals into whatever it needs to modify, so it shouldn't require fetching)
Assoc list of every rune that can be drawn by ritual daggers. [rune_name] = [typepath]
list of weakrefs to mobs OR minds that have been sacrificed
how many sacrifices we have used, cultists get 1 free revive at the start
Scan condition instances
a superlist containing typecaches shared between the several fish scanning experiments for each techweb.
Scarred Eye Quirk
Stores the cursor hint icons for screentip context.
The department distribution of the security officers.
Keys are refs of the security officer mobs. This is to preserve the list's structure even if the mob gets deleted. This is also safe, as mobs are guaranteed to have a unique ref, as per /mob/GenerateTag().
global statics for the see_through_component coordinate maps For ease of use, include a comment in the shape of the coordinate map, where O is nothing, X is a hidden tile and A is the object List-coordinate layout is list(relative_x, relative_y, relative_z) Turf finding algorithm needs the z and you can totally use it, but I can't think of any reason to ever do it Also it'd be really cool if you could keep the list-coordinates in here represent their actual relative coords, dont use tabs though since their spacing can differ
tgui state: self_state
Only checks that the user and src_object are the same.
List of all atoms that can call the shuttle, for automatic shuttle calls when there are none.
Hemiplegic Quirk
List of logs shared by all silos
List of all singularity components that exist
Priority is top to bottom.
Assoc of sm_gas_behavior/datum/gas (path) = datum/sm_gas (instance)
list of all sheets with sniffable = TRUE for the sniffer to locate
Tracks where we should play snowstorm sounds for the area sound listener
Used by jump-to-area etc. Updated by area/updateName() If this is null, it needs to be recalculated. Use get_sorted_areas() as a getter please
A giant associative list of span names, and the associated key to create the text span. Used for narrate verbs.
This defines the antagonists you can operate with in the settings. Keys are the antagonist, values are the number of days since the player's first connection in order to play.
An assoc list of species IDs to type paths
List of all species prototypes to reference, assoc [type] = prototype
When adding new fishable rewards to a table/counts, you can specify an icon to show in place of the generic fish icon in the minigame UI should the user have the TRAIT_REVEAL_FISH trait, by adding it to this list.
A lot of the icons here may be a tad inaccurate, but since we're limited to the free font awesome icons we have access to, we got to make do.
splat subtype, handling signals and mood logic
A nested list of fish types and traits that they can spontaneously manifest with associated probabilities e.g. list(/obj/item/fish = list(/datum/fish_trait = 100), etc...)
tgui state: standing_state
Checks that the user isn't incapacitated and is standing upright
The color of light space is currently emitting
List of plane offset + 1 -> object to display to use Fills with offsets as they are generated Holds a list of objects that represent starlight. The idea is to render_source them So modifying starlight requires touching only one place (NOTE: this doesn't work for the area overlays) In order to modify them you need to use set_starlight. Areas don't work with render sources it looks like
List of plane offset + 1 -> mutable appearance to use Fills with offsets as they are generated They mirror their appearance from the starlight objects, which lets us save time updating them
The power of the light space is throwin out
The range of the light space is displaying
list of all job spawn points created
The source of the last nuke that went off
Whether the station has been nuked itself. TRUE only if the station was actually hit by the nuke, otherwise FALSE
Map of stock part type to their singleton
Map of physical stock part types to their /datum/stock_part
A global singleton datum used to store a "summon things controller" for Summon Guns, to grant random guns to stationgoers and latejoiners
A global singleton datum used to store a "summon things controller" for Summon Magic, to grant random magical items to stationgoers and latejoiners
list of all surgeries by name, associated with their path.
list of all surgery steps, associated by their path.
employers that are from the syndicate
List of all nukie shuttle boards, for forcing launch delay if they declare war
Static typecache list of things we are interested in Consider this a union of the for loop and the hearers call from below Must be kept up to date with the contents of hostile_machines
Global list containing all options used for the TGC health button.
Global list containing all options used for the TGC mana button.
A list of all of the /obj/machinery/telecomms
(and subtypes) machines
that exist in the world currently.
List of all teleport runes
List of all active teleport beacons
A list of teleport locations
Adding a wizard area teleport list because motherfucking lag -- Urist I am far too lazy to make it a proper list of areas so I'll just make it run the usual teleport routine at the start of the game
Station home gateway
Global list of AREA TYPES that are associated with the station.
This tracks the types of all areas in existence that are a UNIQUE_AREA and are on the station Z.
This does not track the area instances themselves - See [GLOB.areas] for that.
The time since the last job opening was created
The difference betwen midnight (of the host computer) and 0 world.ticks.
List of all "tools" that can fit into belts or work from toolboxes
Whitelist of planes allowed to use TOPDOWN_LAYER
Ditto but for unique features. Used by the datum/dna/set_uni_feature_block and datum/dna/get_uni_feature_block procs.
A list of numbers that keeps track of where ui blocks start in the unique_identity string variable of the dna datum. Commonly used by the datum/dna/set_uni_identity_block and datum/dna/get_uni_identity_block procs.
List of all implants currently implanted into a mob
global reference to the current theme, if there is one.
A typecache listing structures that are considered to have surfaces that you can place items on that are higher than the floor. This, of course, should be restricted to /atom/movables. This is primarily used for food decomposition code.
A typecache of objects that player controlled, easily accessible, hostile mobs should not be able to attack
A typecache of objects that player controlled, easily accessible, hostile mobs should not be able to move around easily
typecache for turfs that should be considered ok during floorchecks. A linked turf being anything not in this typecache will cause the holodeck to perform an emergency shutdown.
List of all roundstart languages by path except common
When unit testing, all logs sent to log_mapping are stored here and retrieved in log_mapping unit test.
basic ai controllers that are currently performing idled behaviors
list that stores a vampire house name for each department
List of vending machines that players can restock, so only vending machines that are on station or don't have a unique condition.
A list of the possible mutations for a vine
List of all voice of god commands
A global assoc list for the drop of point
The basic player-facing types that don't have any super special behaviour.
The fundamental datatypes of the byond game engine.
Global assoc list. [ckey] = [spellbook entry type]
A branching assoc list of (series -> list(severity -> list(typepath -> weight))). Allows you to say "I want a generic slash wound", then "Of severity 2", and get a wound of that description - via get_corresponding_wound_type() Series: A generic wound_series, such as WOUND_SERIES_BONE_BLUNT_BASIC Severity: Any wounds held within this will be of this severity. Typepath, Weight: Merely a pairing of a given typepath to its weight, held for convenience in pickweight.
A "chronological" list of wound severities, starting at the least severe.
A branching assoc list of (wounding_type -> list(wound_series)). Allows for determining of which wound series are caused by what.
List of all possible sample colors
A reduced list of spells for magicarp spawned in xenobiology, less disruptive
tgui state: z_state
Only checks that the Z-level of the user and src_object are the same.
A list of all zombie_infection organs, for any mass "animation"