Vars | |
adjacent_rebuild | List of turfs to recalculate adjacent turfs on before processing |
atmos_machinery | A list of machines that will be processed when currentpart == SSAIR_ATMOSMACHINERY. Use SSair.begin_processing_machine and SSair.stop_processing_machine to add and remove machines. |
currentrun | A cache of objects that perisists between processing runs when resumed == TRUE. Dangerous, qdel'd objects not cleared from this may cause runtimes on processing. |
hotspot_reactions | Reactions which will contribute to a hotspot's size. |
strings_to_mix | List of gas string -> canonical gas mixture |
Procs | |
add_to_active | Adds a turf to active processing, handles duplicates. Call this with blockchanges == TRUE if you want to nuke the assoc excited group |
expand_pipeline | Rebuilds a pipeline by expanding outwards, while yielding when sane |
log_active_turfs | Logs all active turfs at roundstart to the mapping log so it can be readily accessed. |
parse_gas_string | Takes a gas string, returns the matching mutable gas_mixture |
remove_from_active | Removes a turf from processing, and causes its excited group to clean up so things properly adapt to the change |
sleep_active_turf | Puts an active turf to sleep so it doesn't process. Do this without cleaning up its excited group. |
start_processing_machine | Adds a given machine to the processing system for SSAIR_ATMOSMACHINERY processing. |
stop_processing_machine | Removes a given machine to the processing system for SSAIR_ATMOSMACHINERY processing. |
Var Details
List of turfs to recalculate adjacent turfs on before processing
A list of machines that will be processed when currentpart == SSAIR_ATMOSMACHINERY. Use SSair.begin_processing_machine and SSair.stop_processing_machine to add and remove machines.
A cache of objects that perisists between processing runs when resumed == TRUE. Dangerous, qdel'd objects not cleared from this may cause runtimes on processing.
Reactions which will contribute to a hotspot's size.
List of gas string -> canonical gas mixture
Proc Details
Adds a turf to active processing, handles duplicates. Call this with blockchanges == TRUE if you want to nuke the assoc excited group
Rebuilds a pipeline by expanding outwards, while yielding when sane
Logs all active turfs at roundstart to the mapping log so it can be readily accessed.
Takes a gas string, returns the matching mutable gas_mixture
Removes a turf from processing, and causes its excited group to clean up so things properly adapt to the change
Puts an active turf to sleep so it doesn't process. Do this without cleaning up its excited group.
Adds a given machine to the processing system for SSAIR_ATMOSMACHINERY processing.
- machine - The machine to start processing. Can be any /obj/machinery.
Removes a given machine to the processing system for SSAIR_ATMOSMACHINERY processing.
- machine - The machine to stop processing.