/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details



block_command_reportA counter of conditions that are blocking the command report from printing. Counter incremements up for every blocking condition, and de-incrememnts when it is complete.
captivity_areaThe location where the special xenomorph egg was planted
command_report_footnotesA list of footnote datums, to be added to the bottom of the roundstart command report.
soft_filteringAre we trying to send a cross-station message that contains soft-filtered words? If so, flip to TRUE to extend the time admins have to cancel the message.
xenomorph_egg_deliveredHas a special xenomorph egg been delivered?

Var Details


A counter of conditions that are blocking the command report from printing. Counter incremements up for every blocking condition, and de-incrememnts when it is complete.


The location where the special xenomorph egg was planted


A list of footnote datums, to be added to the bottom of the roundstart command report.


Are we trying to send a cross-station message that contains soft-filtered words? If so, flip to TRUE to extend the time admins have to cancel the message.


Has a special xenomorph egg been delivered?