Vars | |
books_by_area | List of book datums that we consider to be "in" any one area. |
library_areas | List of areas that count as "a library", modified by map config |
printable_posters | List of poster typepaths we're ok with being printable |
search_categories | List of acceptable search categories for book consoles |
shelves_to_load | List of bookselves to prefill with books |
upload_categories | List of acceptable categories for a book to be |
Procs | |
get_area_books | Returns a list of copied book datums that we consider to be "in" the passed in area at roundstart |
Var Details
List of book datums that we consider to be "in" any one area.
List of areas that count as "a library", modified by map config
List of poster typepaths we're ok with being printable
List of acceptable search categories for book consoles
List of bookselves to prefill with books
List of acceptable categories for a book to be
Proc Details
Returns a list of copied book datums that we consider to be "in" the passed in area at roundstart