Vars | |
adding_new_zlevel | True when in the process of adding a new Z-level, global locking |
biomes | All possible biomes in assoc list as type || instance |
critical_planes | List of plane masters that are of critical priority |
current_map | The current map config the server loaded at round start. |
gravity_by_z_level | shows the default gravity value for each z level. recalculated when gravity generators change. List in the form: list(z level num = max generator gravity in that z level OR the gravity level trait) |
lists_to_reserve | List of lists of turfs to reserve |
loaded_lazy_templates | list of lazy templates that have been loaded |
max_plane_offset | The largest plane offset we've generated so far |
multiz_levels | list of all z level indices that form multiz connections and whether theyre linked up or down. list of lists, inner lists are of the form: list("up or down link direction" = TRUE) |
plane_offset_blacklist | List of planes that do not allow for offsetting |
plane_offset_to_true | Assoc list of string plane values to their true, non offset representation |
plane_to_offset | Assoc list of string plane to the plane's offset value |
render_offset_blacklist | List of render targets that do not allow for offsetting |
themed_ruins | List of ruins, separated by their theme |
true_to_offset_planes | Assoc list of true string plane values to a list of all potential offset planess |
z_level_to_lowest_plane_offset | List of z level (as number) -> The lowest plane offset in that z stack |
z_level_to_plane_offset | List of z level (as number) -> plane offset of that z level Used to maintain the plane cube |
z_level_to_stack | List of z level (as number) -> list of all z levels vertically connected to ours Useful for fast grouping lookups and such |
z_list | list of all z level datums in the order of their z (z level 1 is at index 1, etc.) |
z_trait_levels | list of traits and their associated z leves |
Procs | |
add_new_zlevel | Generates a real, honest to god new z level. Will create the actual space, and also generate a datum that holds info about the new plot of land Accepts the name, traits list, datum type, and if we should manage the turfs we create |
add_reservation_zlevel | Adds a new reservation z level. A bit of space that can be handed out on request Of note, reservations default to transit turfs, to make their most common use, shuttles, faster |
generate_offset_lists | Takes an offset to generate misc lists to, and a base to start from Use this to react globally to maintain parity with plane offsets |
generate_station_area_list | Generates the global station area list, filling it with typepaths of unique areas found on the station Z. |
get_connected_levels | Takes a turf or a z level, and returns a list of all the z levels that are connected to it |
get_level | Returns the /datum/space_level associated with the given z level. |
get_station_center | Prefer not to use this one too often |
initialize_biomes | Initialize all biomes, assoc as type || instance |
initialize_reserved_level | Sets up a z level as reserved This is not for wiping reserved levels, use wipe_reservations() for that. If this is called after SSatom init, it will call Initialize on all turfs on the passed z, as its name promises |
is_planetary | Returns true if the map we're playing on is on a planet |
level_has_all_traits | Check if levels[z] has all of the specified traits |
level_has_any_trait | Check if levels[z] has any of the specified traits |
level_trait | Look up levels[z].traits[trait] |
levels_by_all_traits | Get a list of all z which have all of the specified traits |
levels_by_any_trait | Get a list of all z which have any of the specified traits |
levels_by_trait | Get a list of all z which have the specified trait |
load_all_away_missions | For debug purposes, will add every single away mission present in a given directory. You can optionally pass in a string directory to load from instead of the default. |
manage_z_level | Takes a z level datum, and tells the mapping subsystem to manage it Also handles things like plane offset generation, and other things that happen on a z level to z level basis |
request_turf_block_reservation | Requests a /datum/turf_reservation based on the given width, height, and z_size. You can specify a z_reservation to use a specific z level, or leave it null to use any z level. |
reserve_turfs | Schedules a group of turfs to be handed back to the reservation system's control If await is true, will sleep until the turfs are finished work |
run_map_terrain_generation | Generate the turfs of the area |
run_map_terrain_population | Populate the turfs of the area |
setup_rivers | Sets up rivers, and things that behave like rivers. So lava/plasma rivers, and chasms It is important that this happens AFTER generating mineral walls and such, since we rely on them for river logic |
setup_ruins | ##setup_ruins |
validate_z_level_loading | Lightweight proc that just checks to make sure that all of the expected z-levels were loaded. Split out for clarity from load_all_away_missions() Argument "checkable_levels" is just a list of the names (typically the filepaths) of the z-levels we were expected to load, which should correspond to the name on the space level datum. |
Var Details
True when in the process of adding a new Z-level, global locking
All possible biomes in assoc list as type || instance
List of plane masters that are of critical priority
The current map config the server loaded at round start.
shows the default gravity value for each z level. recalculated when gravity generators change. List in the form: list(z level num = max generator gravity in that z level OR the gravity level trait)
List of lists of turfs to reserve
list of lazy templates that have been loaded
The largest plane offset we've generated so far
list of all z level indices that form multiz connections and whether theyre linked up or down. list of lists, inner lists are of the form: list("up or down link direction" = TRUE)
List of planes that do not allow for offsetting
Assoc list of string plane values to their true, non offset representation
Assoc list of string plane to the plane's offset value
List of render targets that do not allow for offsetting
List of ruins, separated by their theme
Assoc list of true string plane values to a list of all potential offset planess
List of z level (as number) -> The lowest plane offset in that z stack
List of z level (as number) -> plane offset of that z level Used to maintain the plane cube
List of z level (as number) -> list of all z levels vertically connected to ours Useful for fast grouping lookups and such
list of all z level datums in the order of their z (z level 1 is at index 1, etc.)
list of traits and their associated z leves
Proc Details
Generates a real, honest to god new z level. Will create the actual space, and also generate a datum that holds info about the new plot of land Accepts the name, traits list, datum type, and if we should manage the turfs we create
Adds a new reservation z level. A bit of space that can be handed out on request Of note, reservations default to transit turfs, to make their most common use, shuttles, faster
Takes an offset to generate misc lists to, and a base to start from Use this to react globally to maintain parity with plane offsets
Generates the global station area list, filling it with typepaths of unique areas found on the station Z.
Takes a turf or a z level, and returns a list of all the z levels that are connected to it
Returns the /datum/space_level associated with the given z level.
Prefer not to use this one too often
Initialize all biomes, assoc as type || instance
Sets up a z level as reserved This is not for wiping reserved levels, use wipe_reservations() for that. If this is called after SSatom init, it will call Initialize on all turfs on the passed z, as its name promises
Returns true if the map we're playing on is on a planet
Check if levels[z] has all of the specified traits
Check if levels[z] has any of the specified traits
Look up levels[z].traits[trait]
Get a list of all z which have all of the specified traits
Get a list of all z which have any of the specified traits
Get a list of all z which have the specified trait
For debug purposes, will add every single away mission present in a given directory. You can optionally pass in a string directory to load from instead of the default.
Takes a z level datum, and tells the mapping subsystem to manage it Also handles things like plane offset generation, and other things that happen on a z level to z level basis
Requests a /datum/turf_reservation based on the given width, height, and z_size. You can specify a z_reservation to use a specific z level, or leave it null to use any z level.
Schedules a group of turfs to be handed back to the reservation system's control If await is true, will sleep until the turfs are finished work
Generate the turfs of the area
Populate the turfs of the area
Sets up rivers, and things that behave like rivers. So lava/plasma rivers, and chasms It is important that this happens AFTER generating mineral walls and such, since we rely on them for river logic
Sets up all of the ruins to be spawned
Lightweight proc that just checks to make sure that all of the expected z-levels were loaded. Split out for clarity from load_all_away_missions() Argument "checkable_levels" is just a list of the names (typically the filepaths) of the z-levels we were expected to load, which should correspond to the name on the space level datum.