Vars | |
currently_polling | List of polls currently ongoing, to be checked on next fire() |
total_polls | Number of polls performed since the start |
Procs | |
duplicate_message_check | Is there a multiple of the given event type running right now? |
poll_candidates | Starts a poll. |
Var Details
List of polls currently ongoing, to be checked on next fire()
Number of polls performed since the start
Proc Details
Is there a multiple of the given event type running right now?
Starts a poll.
- question: Optional, The question to ask the candidates. If null, a default question will be used. ("Do you want to play as role?")
- role: Optional, An antag role (IE, ROLE_TRAITOR) to pass, it won't show to any candidates who don't have it in their preferences.
- check_jobban: Optional, What jobban role / flag to check, it won't show to any candidates who have this jobban.
- poll_time: How long the poll will last.
- ignore_category: Optional, A poll category. If a candidate has this category in their ignore list, they won't be polled.
- flash_window: If TRUE, the candidate's window will flash when they're polled.
- list/group: A list of candidates to poll.
- alert_pic: Optional, An /atom or an /image to display on the poll alert.
- jump_target: An /atom to teleport/jump to, if alert_pic is an /atom defaults to that.
- role_name_text: Optional, A string to display in logging / the (default) question. If null, the role name will be used.
- list/custom_response_messages: Optional, A list of strings to use as responses to the poll. If null, the default responses will be used. see __DEFINES/polls.dm for valid keys to use.
- start_signed_up: If TRUE, all candidates will start signed up for the poll, making it opt-out rather than opt-in.
- amount_to_pick: Lets you pick candidates and return a single mob or list of mobs that were chosen.
- chat_text_border_icon: Object or path to make an icon of to decorate the chat announcement.
- announce_chosen: Whether we should announce the chosen candidates in chat. This is ignored unless amount_to_pick is greater than 0.
Returns a list of all mobs who signed up for the poll, OR, in the case that amount_to_pick is equal to 1 the singular mob/null if no available candidates.