Vars | |
current_instrument_channels | Current number of channels allocated for instruments |
instrument_data | List of all instrument data, associative id = datum |
max_instrument_channels | Maximum instrument channels total instruments are allowed to use. This is so you don't have instruments deadlocking all sound channels. |
musician_hearcheck_mindelay | Deciseconds between hearchecks. Too high and instruments seem to lag when people are moving around in terms of who can hear it. Too low and the server lags from this. |
musician_maxlinechars | Max characters per line in songs |
musician_maxlines | Max lines in songs |
songs | List of all song datums. |
synthesizer_instrument_ids | Single cached list for synthesizer instrument ids, so you don't have to have a new list with every synthesizer. |
Var Details
Current number of channels allocated for instruments
List of all instrument data, associative id = datum
Maximum instrument channels total instruments are allowed to use. This is so you don't have instruments deadlocking all sound channels.
Deciseconds between hearchecks. Too high and instruments seem to lag when people are moving around in terms of who can hear it. Too low and the server lags from this.
Max characters per line in songs
Max lines in songs
List of all song datums.
Single cached list for synthesizer instrument ids, so you don't have to have a new list with every synthesizer.