/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



current_statestate of current round (used by process()) Use the defines GAME_STATE_* !
emergency_reasonWhy an emergency shuttle was called
force_endingBoolean to track if round should be forcibly ended next ticker tick. Set by admin intervention (ADMIN_FORCE_END_ROUND) or a "round-ending" event, like summoning Nar'Sie, a blob victory, the nuke going off, etc. (FORCE_END_ROUND)
heartsPeople who have been commended and will receive a heart
news_reportWhat is going to be reported to other stations at end of round?
setup_doneBoolean to track and check if our subsystem setup is done.
start_immediatelyIf TRUE, there is no lobby phase, the game starts immediately.
totalPlayersNum of players, used for pregame stats on statpanel
totalPlayersReadyNum of ready players, used for pregame stats on statpanel (only viewable by admins)
total_admins_readyNum of ready admins, used for pregame stats on statpanel (only viewable by admins)


HandleRandomHardcoreScoreHandles random hardcore point rewarding if it applies.
antag_reportgotta escape nerd
award_servicetotal service income This is the richest account on station at roundend. This is the station's total wealth at the end of the round. How many players joined the round. Awards the service department an achievement and updates the chef and bartender's highscore for tourists served.
check_finishedChecks if the round should be ending, called every ticker tick
choose_round_end_songThe reference to the end of round sound that we have chosen.
declare_completionno score no glory
handle_heartsOnce the round is actually over, cycle through the ckeys in the hearts list and give them the hearted status
hardcore_random_reportGenerate a report for all players who made it out alive with a hardcore random character and prints their final score
log_roundend_reportLog the round-end report as an HTML file
market_reportGenerate a report for how much money is on station, as well as the richest crewmember on the station.
poll_heartsCalled when the shuttle starts launching back to centcom, polls a few random players who joined the round for commendations

Var Details


state of current round (used by process()) Use the defines GAME_STATE_* !


Why an emergency shuttle was called


Boolean to track if round should be forcibly ended next ticker tick. Set by admin intervention (ADMIN_FORCE_END_ROUND) or a "round-ending" event, like summoning Nar'Sie, a blob victory, the nuke going off, etc. (FORCE_END_ROUND)


People who have been commended and will receive a heart


What is going to be reported to other stations at end of round?


Boolean to track and check if our subsystem setup is done.


If TRUE, there is no lobby phase, the game starts immediately.


Num of players, used for pregame stats on statpanel


Num of ready players, used for pregame stats on statpanel (only viewable by admins)


Num of ready admins, used for pregame stats on statpanel (only viewable by admins)

Proc Details


Handles random hardcore point rewarding if it applies.


gotta escape nerd


total service income This is the richest account on station at roundend. This is the station's total wealth at the end of the round. How many players joined the round. Awards the service department an achievement and updates the chef and bartender's highscore for tourists served.



Checks if the round should be ending, called every ticker tick


The reference to the end of round sound that we have chosen.


no score no glory


Once the round is actually over, cycle through the ckeys in the hearts list and give them the hearted status


Generate a report for all players who made it out alive with a hardcore random character and prints their final score


Log the round-end report as an HTML file

Composits the roundend report, and saves it in two locations. The report is first saved along with the round's logs Then, the report is copied to a fixed directory specifically for housing the server's last roundend report. In this location, the file will be overwritten at the end of each shift.


Generate a report for how much money is on station, as well as the richest crewmember on the station.


Called when the shuttle starts launching back to centcom, polls a few random players who joined the round for commendations