/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Contains all the behavior needed to play a kind of dream. All dream types get randomly selected from based on weight when an appropriate mobs dreams.


sleep_until_finishedCauses the mob to sleep long enough for the dream to finish if begun
weightThe relative chance this dream will be randomly selected


GenerateDreamCalled when beginning a new dream for the dreamer. Gives back a list of dream events. Events can be text or callbacks that return text.
OnDreamEndCalled when the dream ends or is interrupted.

Var Details


Causes the mob to sleep long enough for the dream to finish if begun


The relative chance this dream will be randomly selected

Proc Details


Called when beginning a new dream for the dreamer. Gives back a list of dream events. Events can be text or callbacks that return text.


Called when the dream ends or is interrupted.