/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Deals extra damage to mobs of a certain type, species, or biotype. This doesn't directly modify the normal damage of the weapon, instead it applies its own damage seperatedly ON TOP of normal damage ie. a sword that does 10 damage with a bane elment attacthed that has a 0.5 damage_multiplier will do: 10 damage from the swords normal attack + 5 damage (50%) from the bane element


added_damageAdded after the above.
damage_multipliermultiplier of the extra damage based on the force of the item.
mob_biotypesif we want it to only affect a certain mob biotype
requires_combat_modeIf it requires combat mode on to deal the extra damage or not.
target_typecan be a mob or a species.


check_biotype_pathChecks typepaths and the mob's biotype, returning TRUE if correct and FALSE if wrong. Additionally checks if combat mode is required, and if so whether it's enabled or not.

Var Details


Added after the above.


multiplier of the extra damage based on the force of the item.


if we want it to only affect a certain mob biotype


If it requires combat mode on to deal the extra damage or not.


can be a mob or a species.

Proc Details


Checks typepaths and the mob's biotype, returning TRUE if correct and FALSE if wrong. Additionally checks if combat mode is required, and if so whether it's enabled or not.