/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesProc Details


Heretic focus element, simple element for making an item a heretic focus, allowing heretics to cast advanced spells (examine message included).


on_dropSignal proc for COMSIG_ITEM_DROPPED. Remove our trait when we drop (unequip) our item
on_equipSignal proc for COMSIG_ITEM_EQUIPPED. When equipped in a right slot, give user our trait
on_examineSignal proc for COMSIG_ATOM_EXAMINE. Let's the examiner see that this item is a heretic focus

Proc Details


Signal proc for COMSIG_ITEM_DROPPED. Remove our trait when we drop (unequip) our item


Signal proc for COMSIG_ITEM_EQUIPPED. When equipped in a right slot, give user our trait


Signal proc for COMSIG_ATOM_EXAMINE. Let's the examiner see that this item is a heretic focus